Chapter 2

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221 Bakerstreet around 4pm

The cab held. You looked outside and saw the black door with the golden signs "221" on it. Next to it speedy's Cafe. You heard your heart beating faster because of excitement and anxiousness. There was no turning back now, and you knew that too. Johns voice from outside the car brought you back to earth and out of your mind. He held the car door open, like a gentleman. He said something, you could still see his lips moving, but in that moment nothing was louder than your heart beating and the nervous voice in your head that told you to run. John looked confused and slightly concerned and so did Greg, who was now standing behind him. You shook it off and climbed out of the cab. Greg gave you back your suitcase that he got out of the car when he went out. Greg stood in front of you, but you just stared at the black, wooden door without noticing. Your cousin grabbed your wrists lightly, which made you look straight into his eyes, a bit cowed by the memories coming up by that. He asked: "Hey, boo, everything alright? We can go grab some coffee first if you don't want to go in right now." You smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm alright. Just a bit nervous." He sighed and nodded to John, who was already standing by the door with his keys, ready to open it. You went over to him and gave him a look so that he opened the door. He turned the keys two times and once again held the door open for you. You thanked him, but in your mind you wished he would have gone in first. John followed behind and showed you to the door of the flat C. You got the keys out of your handbag and opened. As you first peeked in, Greg shouted, not very loud: "Surprise boo! Me and a friend managed to already get your furniture into the flat! What do you think?" He was grinning. You looked around for a second, then hugged him tightly. "Thank you so so much Gregy! Who was that friend?", you asked into his chest. He and John were both chuckling until you let go. Greg then answered: "His name is Mycroft, you will meet him soon enough. He was the one who brought the furniture to London. Then Sherlock, your neighbour, and some of his friends put them in place." You smiled at the men's names. Sherlock and Mycroft are weird names, you thought. "They are brothers hu? Sherlock and Mycroft", you stated while walking in. Both men were staring at you surprised. "How did you know?", asked John. You grinned and said: "It can't be a coincidence that two men have such ridicules names." You heard them chuckle. John, Greg and a third voice from upstairs that you couldn't recordnize. No one else seemed to have heard it so you ignored it. You giggled at your own joke and put the suitcase on the floor.

Sherlocks POV.

I heard you, John and Greg come home, but I didn't say anything for the dramatic effect when I get to know you. I was standing on the edge of the first step on the stairs. I couldn't see you because you were already standing in your flat, but I heard every word you said. I heard you doing the assumption about me and Mycroft being siblings. Ha, she is smart than she thinks she is, I thought and chuckled. When I heard your giggle it sent a shiver down my spine. I've never felt like that before. It never felt that good. It was like someone was hugging me while I was scared. At the same time. I needed to ask John about it.. 

Your POV.

You were looking around. They thought of everything. You checked on your instruments, The piano was standing in the corner of the living room, your violin on a grey armchair and the clarinet you got from your grandpa was standing next to the wardrobe in the bedroom. You were always talented about arts, especially musical arts. You then walked into the bathroom, and felt your face blush as you saw your tampons and pads lying on the windowsill. You remembered that your neighbour, a man, must have put it there. You shook it off and went back into the living room, and saw Greg making some tea in the kitchen while John was sat on the grey couch. "So boo? You like it?", asked your cousin. "I love it. Thank you so much Gregy!" He smiled and turned back to the tea pot. John looked up from his phone and said: "Hey y/n, Sherlock must be upstairs, do you want to meet him?" Shit. You thought. What should I say? It would be rude to say no but I'm.. kinda scared.. .You automatically nodded and smiled sweetly. You sat down next to John and waited for Greg to bring the tea. 

John's POV:

You seem so nice but of course I see how nervous you are. Maybe you don't even notice it yourself. You play with your fingers and avoid eye contact. Every time I ask something you seem to think way too long about every negative thing you could think of. I can see how low your self-confidence is even though you are great. You look like an angle and you are very talented and smart. It took me a while but after so many hours of listening to mr. smart ass's explanations I concluded that it is connected to your past, maybe even your childhood. I'm a little worried about you, even though we don't know each other well, but as a doctor and hopefully future- friend I made it my duty to look after you. 

I wasn't sure why he hasn't showed up yet, but I was sure he's upstairs. We walked up the stairs in silence when I heard noises. Many loud noises. What the hell is that jerk doing? scaring you? Ugh, I thought while walking up and through the door. "Sherlock? Where are you? Come out, our new neighbour y/n wants to meet you!", I shouted. I looked at you. You were blushing a bit and again fumbling with your fingers. I thought it was cute, but you didn't seem to feel very comfortable. "Are you alright?", I asked. But instead of a normal answer you just nodded ever so slightly and turned back. I was confused until you said, while walking down the stairs: "I guess he wants to be alone right now, I will come tomorrow maybe. I just.. want to sleep right now alright? I have your number from Greg so I'll text later when I woke up. It was nice to meet you. Bye!"

Then you were gone, and I was very mad at Sherlock. That idiot.


A/N: Hey! So this is chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed reading it :)

I'm always happy comments btw, and please tell me if I made mistakes!

Cheers! -Alissa

The man of your dreams/ Sherlock x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon