And just after a week of working hard, Yusei asked Crow and Jack to test the engine with him, while Hanako was away on a terrain, doing her job hard, for the workaholic she was; just like Martha raised her.

          "Hey, Yusei..." Crow was looking at Yusei's screen on the monitor, trying to understand the numbers on it, "Maybe we should wait for Hanako to check this engine with you!"

"She's too busy with her work", Yusei answered calmly looking at the monitor screen, wearing protection goggles on his head, while trying to remain focused on his engine stability.

          "Oh..." Crow murmured, looking suspiciously at Yusei, not believing his words, because he was so cold and distant. Doubting his words, Crow decided to tease Yusei, because he knew Hanako would do anything to test the new engine and help Yusei with building it, "You've never asked her, have you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I told you, she's too busy", Yusei was persistent, still playing cold and indifferent.

          "But you didn't ask...?" Crow wanted to know the truth.

"No", Yusei answered in his tone, explaining himself, "She'd refuse it anyway!"

          "C'mon, Yusei!" Crow started waving with his hands, disappointed in what Yusei said, "You act like you don't know her!" He was a bit angry at Yusei, who didn't want to talk about it, "You know she'd do anything to help you with that engine. She loves that more than anything else in the world!" He stopped, looking at Yusei, not believing that he is doing this, "Sometimes, I think she loves her engine more than me..." He shook his head at the thought, trying to pull Yusei out of his stubbornness.

"It doesn't matter now", Yusei answered, "She's not here anyway..."

          Jack was listening to their conversation, as impatience started growing stronger inside his soul, so he got the need to interrupt, them, "She's not here, because you never asked her if she wants to be here in the first place!"

"Jack's right, Yusei!" Crow shrugged with anger, "You can't do everything on your own!" Yusei was looking at Crow, moving away from the computer, "We even defeated Dark Signers together, remember?" Crow crossed his hands, as the silence took over the garage, leaving them without words to be said, before Yusei managed to say something with his head bowed.

          "I'm sorry, guys..."

"Finally!" Crow shouted with his hands in the air.

          "You can tell her that when she comes!" Jack added, while thinking about that engine test, not being able to sustain himself from excitement, "Now that we solved this, let's get to work!" He was already sitting on the prototype, hyped about the test, as he impatiently waited for Yusei to start his check-up, so Yusei just turned the engine on, giving Jack a nod, while Crow was left out.

"So much from my big speech!" He rolled his eyes, but Jack and Yusei just ignored him.

          Yusei switched hit prototype into Duel Mode, carefully tracking the numbers on the screen and statistics of the engine's state, as Jack was constantly revving the engine, "Output is at 70%, 75... 80%..." Yusei was shouting with his voice, to drown out the sound of his new engine, while Jack's happy face couldn't help but smile widely.

Seeing the scene, Crow just felt like he has to join them, so he leaned towards the monitor screen over Yusei's right shoulder, checking what's going on, "Alright, looking good!" He clenched his fists, turning to Jack now, "Just put it right into the red zone!"

          "Leave it to me!" Jack said proudly, "There's nothing Jack Atlas can't do!"

But just when Jack revved the engine, output rose over 90%, so Yusei immediately reacted, "Jack, decelerate!"

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