"No but I think Zayn has some." My voice came out muffled since I was biting the plastic on the tape, trying to rip it off.

"Can you ask him to bring it if he isn't busy?"

I hum and pull my phone out, searching for Zayn's number and calling him. Someone answers after a couple rings, but it wasn't Zayn.

"Hello?" Harry's voice filled my ears.


"Yeah. Zayn is driving but I'll put it on speaker." He replied.

"Sup Mads?" This time it was Zayn.

"Hey. Do you still have that wall plaster?" I asked, taking the tape out of my mouth and tearing the rest of the plastic off. "My dad needs some."

"Yeah it's in my car, actually. I'm on my way back from Ikea so I'll drop it off."

"Great. Thanks."

"No problem." He sang before hanging up. I put my phone down on the kitchen counter and started to drag the tape along the trim. "He's bringing it." I told my dad.

By the time we finished taping the walls, I heard a knock on the front door upstairs and a dog start barking. A dog?

"You didn't tell me Baby was here!" I exclaimed in realization, dropping the tape and dashing up the stairs. Faith was opening the door while I spot my beautiful Pitbull waiting behind the door, his tail wagging furiously.

When he hears my footsteps, he barks again and runs towards me. I crouch down and let him lick my face while I rub his head. "Hi, Baby." I cooed in a way you talk to actual babies. That's why I named him Baby - because I talk to him like he is one.

"Hi, can I help you?" I hear Faith speak.

"I'm dropping this off for Maddie." That was definitely not Zayn's voice. I stand up and let Baby follow me towards the front door.

Faith opens the door wider when I approached asking me if I knew who this was. "Hey." I greeted Harry as he smiled.

"Oh, good. You know him." Faith says out of relief. "Is this your boyfriend?"

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "No, he's not my boyfriend. He's a friend." I tell her, not knowing what else to call him at this point.

"You're a handsome young man. Are you single?" She asked, and I look at her weirdly.

"Um, aren't you marrying my dad?" I question skeptically. She looks at me and bursts out laughing.

"Honey, I'm not asking for me. I'm asking for you. You haven't had a boyfriend in years." She pats the back of my shoulder and I practically choke on my own spit.

"I think I'm okay without one." Please stop.

"Anyways, Zayn said to give you this." Harry hands me the small container of spackle, saving the both of us for an even weirder conversation with Faith.


We both stand there for a minute, neither of us knowing what to do until he spoke eventually. "I should go." He says, pointing to the car where Zayn was waiting.

Just Friends || h.s. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें