30 Days of Spooky Tales Prompt 17 : Karma

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They say that we will not die before paying for all your sins while alive. They call it karma.

I am so living with my life. People say that's what real life is like. Without tears of sorrow, without torturous suffering, and without lies that torment the mind.

Humans can only believe what they see and hear. It doesn't matter what is hidden behind a smile and what is hidden behind beautiful words.

But, I began to realize that these hidden things can't be hidden forever. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I saw them crossing every part of my house and heard cold laughter piercing my chest. And when I wake up in the morning, they surround my bed. Some of them smiled and some looked at me with anger.

I don't think a priest or holy water can help me. Their anger is too great and their revenge is too deep.

I alone must face them. With an old body that is already lying in bed waiting for death. They are ready to welcome me whenever I close my eyes, those souls I sacrifice for my own life.

Nobody knows my sin. I will bring to death and let those who punish me.

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