30 Days of Spooky Tales Prompt 3 : The Cursed Villa

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That morning I was surprised to get an email from my cousin while on vacation at my grandfather's villa. I don't know him that well. I don't even remember his faces.

But my eyes widened when I read it. Especially at the last line.

To Aya,

You must get out of the villa. The villa was cursed. Grandfather and grandmother did not die in an accident. Something took them. anyone who lives there will be cursed.

If an old woman and her granddaughter come to visit. Never let them into the house. They are not part of this world.

"What's wrong Aya-chan?"

The cold voice made me flinch. With my heart beating fast, I looked back slowly. Sweat poured from my whole body.

There stood the old woman and her granddaughter who smiled coldly with eyes filled with darkness.


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