Chapter 5

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I woke up to a beeping noise. I opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital. I tried to grab the nurse button but as soon as my arm got above my shoulder I felt a stinging. The door opened and a nurse came in. She came over to me and pushed my arm back down to my side and said," No honey, don't. What do you need?"

"What happened?"

She looked at me with a sympathetic look on her face and said, "You don't remember. I'll call the police officers they have some questions for you."

I'm so confused right now. The police came into my room and sat down. One was a woman and the other was a man. The woman said," Hi, Maddie I'm Sergeant Lindsay and this is officer Sharp. I looked at him and he gave me a small wave. Sergeant Lindsay said," Do you remember what happened?"

"No, and no one will tell me what is going on!"

"Your father was killed and you were taken by the cobras. They're a gang." She paused then said "Do you remember anything?"

Everything came rushing back. I nodded my head and I immediately started to cry. Sergeant Lindsay came up to the bed and sat by me and hugged me until I stopped crying. "What do I do now? I have no family left."

She said "Well, that's part of the reason we're here. You will be moved to a safe house as soon as your wounds are healed enough for you to leave."

"How long will that be? And why am I going to a safe house?"

She took a deep breath and said, "It's looking like you'll be out tomorrow if you don't stress your wounds too much. We are taking you to a safe house because when we raided the warehouse, some of them got away. They had a helicopter on the roof we didn't know about. There were four that got away. One of them being the Boss, We are doing our best to track them down. Until then you need to be protected."

I had an uneasy feeling knowing that they were still out there, but I knew my best bet was to stay safe. "Okay" I said. They got up to leave but my voice stopped them, "Sergeant Lindsay. What did my dad have to do with the cobras?"

She sat back down on the side of my bed and said," He was selling drugs for them."

"No, he wouldn't do that. He's not into that kind of stuff. He's not dangerous." I said.

She looked at me sympathetically and said, "Honey, he did it for you. He was trying to make more money because what he had wasn't enough. We'll come get you tomorrow as long as you can leave. So make sure you get lots of rest and don't stress your wounds." I nodded and they left.

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