Chapter 3

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When we arrived wherever we were going, two of the men opened the door and one of them carried me into a warehouse. I wasn't even fighting back. I was weak and tired from crying. They took me to a cold room and laid me on the ground. I just curled back into a ball and sobbed. I couldn't get rid of the picture in my mind of my dad laying there on the ground. Lifeless.

Soon I lost track of what time it was, was it day or night? I had no idea. I just sat in that room until one day someone came in. It was the boss. He came over and said," It's time for you to get acquainted with the team." I just stayed silent. I'm not going to let him get any satisfaction from my pain. He held me by the arm and led me down a hallway and into a room where there were about twenty-five people examining packages. Then I realized they were examining drugs. Why did this guy have drugs? Was he a gang leader? If he was then what did my dad have to do with any of this? He took me to the front of the room and cleared his throat. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. I dropped my head and stared at the ground.

"When we went to get our payment out of Mr. Foster yesterday," he announced, "We found a little extra something hiding in the closet." I glanced up and all of them were smirking except for four guys in the back whispering. I just dropped my head back down. Don't let them get any satisfaction from your pain. "Boys, this is why we do what we do. We get rich, we get to let our anger out on people lower than us like Mr. Foster, and" then he looked at me "we get a little extra something that we get to do whatever we want with." They all snickered.

Oh hell no. He is not going to lay a finger on me. I won't let it happen! Oh, who are you kidding? Look at how many of them there are. There's no way I could get out of this. I will fight back until I can any more. The boss spoke up again," I'm going to have a little meeting with our new" he paused. "toy."

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