Movie Night (Rewrite/Improvement Challenge)

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It's been about eight months since I had the chance of a lifetime. Everything changed the day I got to meet the members of legendary Korean boy group, BTS at a charity event. I had won tickets to the celebrity function through a raffle on a local radio station. It was hard to believe little nothing and nobody me was going to be rubbing elbows with some of South Korea's finest actors, singers, idols and CEO's! I had no idea the seven handsome worldwide sensations would even be there; they were a surprise guest performance and I was in the front row against the small event hall stage. While getting the chance to talk to actors Park SeoJoon and Park HyungSik, my path was first crossed by member, V; Taehyung of BTS, then by Jimin, Jungkook and Jin as they followed behind to talk to their friend. Soon, Leader, RM, joined the conversation with J-hope and Suga in tow. It was the most incredible experience.

As the conversation grew in numbers, everyone started talking to everyone else and the stories just kept flying across the circle with multitudes of jokes and laughs. Before I even knew it, the well known actors as well as the members of BTS were talking casually with me somehow still in the mix. I was lucky enough to be in just the right place at the right time. It started out slowly with just a few words directly to me here and there as I nodded, threw in a few comments and laughed at the stories. Before long, I seemed to meld right in and be included in the joyful nights revere. I'm not so sure the guys even knew who or what I was at the time. They were just being friendly and polite. It eventually came up when Yoongi asked just who I was in the first place and I told them how I had won a raffle from a radio event and wasn't anyone particularly important or famous, but they didn't seem to mind that I was a nobody. They spoke to me like anyone else in that room. After hours of off and on run ins with the members and getting to know each other a little better, they actually invited me to hang out with them and HyungSik at a little after party they were having with a few other idol friends. The rest, as they say, was history. The guys had so much fun that evening, that we just kind of ended up becoming friends. Every so often they would invite me out with them to small parties with friends and get togethers, and over time, they even started inviting me out to lunch with them and the crew or to watch on filming locations.

Nothing sordid ever happened, they were very respectful and perfect silly gentlemen. I had a lot of fun with them. They were every bit as crazy as they appeared in their reality show and daily lives. They quickly became like an extended family. We would cook for each other or get together and watch movies, sing karaoke; even though I couldn't sing, and just goof off with games and sports. Although nothing scandalous ever happened, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to them. They were gorgeous men after all, but more than that, they were absolutely wonderful people. Namjoon had a bit extra of my attention, he was just my ideal type of man in every way and it was hard to not flirt with him. I would steal glances at him and hope he never saw me, and always avoided being alone with him to make sure I didn't slip up. I usually hung out with them only as a group, or sometimes I'd go shopping with a couple of them at a time, but usually never ended up alone with any of them. Namjoon was a down to Earth sweetheart, but even so, I doubt he would ever look my way in any sense other than friends. With all the beautiful women any one of them could have, I was right where I belonged; in the friend zone. And I was mostly okay with that. Having them as friends was the best thing a girl could ask for.

Then came this one Saturday afternoon when I got a text from Namjoon. He was usually the one to text when they wanted to hang out or go somewhere, so it didn't raise any alarms. Although, looking back, it probably should have. With one life choice, our lives changed forever.

'Ayo! What are you up to today?' - Joon

'Not much. No real plans.' - Me

'Everybody left me behind and I'm really bored.' - Joon

Movie Night - A Namjoon One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now