Chapter 35: Virgin?

Start from the beginning

"What makes you ask?"

I blush and hide my face in the pillow. "Because."

I could sense his amusement. "Because why?"


"I didn't hear you, love."

I smacked him with the pillow in frustration. "Yes you did, you jerk!"

He chuckled as he blocked the hit. I scowl at him and scoot away.

"Answer the question, idiot." I mutter.

He grew serious. "Yes, I was a virgin, Faye."

I felt surprised. "Seriously?"

"Did you think I wasn't?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," I admitted, feeling my cheeks grow much warmer.

"And why is that?" He twisted over so he was on top of me. I groaned inwardly, mainly because I liked it.

"Because you' it?" I mumble.

 He grins and leans closer, his mouth grazing my neck. "Am I now?"

"Yes," I mumbled.

He chuckled again.

"You are such a jerk, Jackson," I mumble.

"But you love me and all my jerkiness." I felt his smirk on my neck.

"Come here, idiot." I grabbed his head and brought it down to my lips, enjoying the pleasure of us together.


The next time I awoke, I was alone in bed. I got up and went to the bathroom immediately to use the bathroom.

I use the toilet, shower, dress, and clean up a bit. Afterwards I go downstairs to see a plate of pancakes and fruit waiting for me.

I grin as I see this, happiness glowing on my face most likely and sit down to eat.

Once I'm finished I slowly clean up and do the dishes before going into the living room. As I sit down I catch a glimpse at a white object.

It's a piece of paper. I quickly pick it up and read it,


   I went out to get some more food. Be back later, Butterfly. 

    Jackson xx

I smiled at it and put down the note, flopping down on the couch and turning on the television.

I rent a movie, Blended, and watch that which keeps me occupied for a long time. About forty minutes into it I pause it to go use the bathroom and then get some food.

The movie is hilarious, very entertaining in fact, as I watched it smiling and laughing at most of it.

"Faye?" I heard a door open, and close.

"In the living room!" I called, smiling.

"Okay, let me put these groceries away." 

Ten minutes later he flops down on the couch and wraps his arm around me. "Whatcha watching?"

"Blended," I reply, smiling. "It's a really good movie."

"Hmm." He nuzzles my collarbone. "What if I go make some popcorn and we can watch a different movie once this is over?"

I giggle. "Okay."

After the movie's over Jackson goes into the living room to pop some popcorn.

He returns soon and sits down beside me and we scroll through the movies, debating on which one to watch.

Just as we decided, my cell phone rang loudly from the coffee table.

I groaned in frustration. I swear to god it was probably Lucy and Quince demanding details..

I answer it. "Hello?"

"Faye?" Lucy's frantic voice sounds from the other line.

"What is it?" I was suddenly on my feet, Jackson's eyes on me as he turned serious.

"I'm on the phone with her," Lucy says in what sounds like a reassuring tone.

"Luce what the hell is going on?"

"We have a problem," Lucy says, just as a scream sounds from the other side.

Oh no. Jordan!

"Lucy tell me!" I yelled.

"Jordan's giving birth," she says.

"What? This early?"

"Yes," she says. "And it's not just one baby."

"How many are there?" I ask, pacing.


"She's having triplets four months early?" My head was pounding. 

"That isn't all.."

"Crap." I felt hands on my shoulders, rubbing them. "What is it?"'

"The first was born," she said quietly. "A stillborn."

I felt my feet nearly collapse from under me. "And Jordan?"

"Faye, she may not make it through the birth."

I drop the phone.



-Calms down- Anyways..

Until next time..

-Grace xx

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