Key in the ignition and zummm..

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Not girlfriend actually...
But I never call her my...
Oh okay I'll try my best to say...
Aaakhhh okay wife.
No I never call her that, because I feel this is the most awkward explanation to tell someone, why she is living with me for no reason and leaving her most luxurious room to share mine and add another oxygen intake in my tiny room which hate carbon dioxide.
No that was not the reason she is with me.
She is cute
She is simple
Long hair
No brain
Beautiful fingers
And a wedding ring...
So she lives with me... But if something close to wife I have to say about her, then I will call her wifi.
Because (science is still discovering) how she gets to know whatever mess I create and also (god knows how) all my next moves.
I ran out of my ex-office. Like people run from their ex girlfriends.
My next moves were very calculated...
Door open...
Key in the ignition...
And zummm...
The tank was full as I kind of already knew that something good will happen today.
Because the way my anger was getting mature and sober for that spherical being something had to happen...
I mean for how long you can hold those very important five fingers from expressing themselves.
In this world where freedom of expression is a wide spread slogan. It is indeed difficult to stop anyone from expressing oneself.
So it was kinda obvious fate. And so that happened.
Oh where was I, ah yeah, my next moves were calculated.
I sat in the car, ignited the engine and was almost on my way to the highway which had the very purpose to provide a path for all the happy people who just resigned from the shitty boss (not the job, my job is great. I plan cities and connectivity). A path that can take them out of the congested environment to places of beauty and lakes.
But since human beings make mistakes. My calculations had a mistake too. I missed the most irritating but beautiful part of the equation. My girlfriend.
When I was one mile away from hitting the highway I felt that my eyes went blind and I could only see a question mark Infront of me. Like the question mark which usually appears in the car racing games when you are going towards a wrong direction.
I received a text...
"Where the hell do you think you are going ""without me"" (without me was in bold font)
"Please remove the blindness and this question mark." I replied urgently
"Turn towards right direction and it will be gone."
And no one can understand. It was inevitable. So I took a turn, also cursing my calculations.
Actually I was so happy to fire my boss (my long due desire) that I forgot my best friend, for some moments. And it was fine. I mean who can one ditch in their happiest moments?
Their best friend.

Full tank and a four wheel drive...Where stories live. Discover now