Chapter 13: Romeo and Juliet

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Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

Third Person P.O.V

The battalion followed after Tanya as they all flew towards the battlefield to meet the enemy. However, it didn't take them long to see the battlefield in the distance as the land outside the city covered with endless artillery barrages, trenches, and flames.

As they got closer to the battle, all they could hear was artillery and the sounds of soldiers yelling with all their might. Once they saw the incoming enemy forces, they froze. There were thousands upon thousands of soldiers charging towards their comrade's trenches. Even though their comrades were shredding them to bits with machine-gun fire, artillery, and gunfire in general, the enemy forces at the front of the charge would fall dead only for the soldier behind them to replace them. 

Vooren: "...What the hell is this?" he asked as he just floated in the air beside Weiss as he stared down at the rushing army.

Weiss: "There are so many of them." he said in shock.

(Y/n): "What the hell do you two think you're doing?!" he yelled through his radio.

(Y/n) found himself flying low to the ground towards one of the enemy's artillery lines. He quickly activated a M.E.A.D before dropping to the ground as he flew across the artillery line, confusing the enemy soldiers. Some of the soldiers looked at the M.E.A.D in confusion as (Y/n) quickly flew up into the air with gunfire shooting at him as he spun around to avoid the bullets. One of the soldiers walked up to the M.E.A.D and picked it up and laughed to his comrade, saying that it was a dud before a bright light engulfed the entire line and several dozen feet passed the artillery line. 

And massive explosion echoed across the battlefield as a great ball of fire and smoke appeared on the battlefield as a large gust of wind knocked down any soldiers near the explosion. (Y/n) flew up into the air as he was breathing heavily until the gunfire that was targeting him seized. He let out a sigh of relief before he stopped rising into the air and floated there. He looked towards the direction he saw Weiss and Vooren as he lifted his goggles over his forehead.

(Y/n): "Those tanks by the destroyed bridge are tearing our men to pieces! I need you two to take them out!" he yelled at them.

Vooren and Weiss watched as (Y/n) turned away from them before flying back to where Tanya was at. The two looked to each other and nodded as they began shouting to their fellow mages to follow them as they flew towards the enemy tanks. Once they got within range and had clear shots, they all activated an artillery spell and fired upon the tanks. The moment each shell hit the tanks, they erupted into falls of fire before dark smoke began to rise from them as all motion from them seized. 

The soldiers who were hiding in their trenches slowly lifted their heads to see the destroyed tanks before looking up into the sky to see Weiss's company flying off. They cheered as they resumed their attack. The day would continue as their endless assault continued as the Empire's forces defended the with all their might. After eight hours of cruel, ruthless, and bloody combat, the intense battle slowly stopped as night arrived. 

Tanya and Visha flew down and landed on the floor of a partially destroyed building on the fourth floor where (Y/n) converted into a small field hospital and resupply station for their battalion. The two walked forward as their battalion was resting or having their wounds being treated by (Y/n).

Visha: "Replenish supplies immediately! Take only what you need!" she told them.

There were some groans as the tired company began to resupply while Tanya walked over towards (Y/n) as he was treating an injured mage with another mage assisting him.

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