Chapter 12: An Inevitable Clash

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Y/n) = Your name

(S/c) = Skin color

(H/c) = Hair color

(F/c) = Favorite color

Third Person P.O.V

The bright golden light emitting from Mary engulfed the sky and creating a loud vibrating noise that shattered the windows from the buildings below. Those who were looking at the light looked away, all except one. (Y/n) continued to fly straight towards as if his life depended on it as the sound faded away, but as he was getting closer, the sound of gunfire began to fill the air. 

He watched as round after round of explosive shells began firing upon Mary with the sound of her screaming beginning faintly heard over the explosions. Dark smoke began to fill the air around Mary as (Y/n) drove in where he spotted the pink-colored shield that was protecting Mary was beginning to crack. Without hesitation, he flew towards her as her shield broke resulting in her getting injured. It only took him a second to arrive at her and quickly used himself to protect her as he held onto her.

The rounds began bombarding his shield before stopping. His shield was very much damaged after the attack but all that mattered to him right now was Mary. He looked down to her to see the dark bruising on her face, the cuts she received, and the blood that was pouring out of her body.

He could hear the others in the battalion talking about withdrawing and immediately knew that he needed to act fast. There were so many things going through his mind as he flew down to the roof of a building as his battalion flew away. (Y/n) knew that he only had at least a minute before he would be endangered of being too far away from his battalion. So he needs to act now. 

(Y/n) didn't bother with the slow descent and quickly flew down to it and landed on it hard, creating a small crater on the room. Once he landed on the roof, he laid Mary down and began rummaging through his medical bag and pulled out bandages and a syringe of morphine. As he was about to help her, he watched as her eyes slowly opened.

Mary: "...(Y/n)?" she faintly asked.

Mary's vision was blurred but she could still tell that it was (Y/n). She slowly lifted up her hand to his only for him to grab it gently and lowered it down to her side. He rubbed his hand against's hers as a smile formed on his face as he looked down to her.

(Y/n): "Shhh... don't or move talk, Mary. Save your strength." he said worriedly to her.

She didn't say anything as her eyes slowly closed. (Y/n) was about to bandage her up only for the sound of gunshots ringing through the air. Mary watched as a round flew and slammed into (Y/n)'s shield. He didn't even have time to react before another round flew in and landed squire in his chest. (Y/n) coughed up blood as he dropped the medical supplies that he brought out before his head was suddenly kicked back as another round made contact with it. His body was sent falling down and rolled down the roof before there was a loud thud. 

After a few seconds, Mary's allies landed down beside her with their weapons drawn. One of them was Mary's commander, a youth man who has upturned-banged, brown hair and blue eyes who also wore a uniform similar to hers. His name is William Douglas Drake.

Livi was the first of them to kneel down to Mary and began seeing if she was alive while the other mages made their way over to where (Y/n) fell down from.

Livi: "Mary! Mary!" she called out.

Drake: "Warrant Officer Sue, can you hear me? Get a hold of yourself! Warrant Officer Sue!" he called out as well.

Mary's eyes slowly opened to see that (Y/n) was no longer there. 

Mage: "She is conscious, but it looks as if she's in shock." he pointed out.

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