That Which We Desire

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Yrden pushed his way through the growing crowd. The Royal Knights of Isgard had set up a recruitment stall in the square of Muttle, just underneath the great statue of Leyellen. A man, that was a few heads taller than him, followed close behind.

"What are we looking for in this shit hole?" he asked.

"They key to your infiltration. Keep your hood pulled close around your face."

The man grabbed the edge of his cloak's hood on both sides and pulled it further over his head.

"Next!" one of the knights shouted. "Name!"

"Sam, sir."

"Last name?"

"I don't have one... Never knew me parents, sir."

"Fine, welcome to the king's army, Sam. Head to the east side of town and prepare to leave with the convoy. Say your goodbyes to any loved ones. You'll be provided barracks in Lockshi'Ria and begin training there... if we have that luxury."

Yrden pushed further through the crowd.

"Welcome to the royal army, Sam!" Bertel slapped him on the back with a cheery smile.

"Shove it, Mudbutt!"

"A drink! We're all soldiers ready to lay our lives down in name of king and realm!" Tamlick shouted.

"A drink!" the other four cheered.

"Excuse me, master dwarves!" Yrden shouted over the crowd.

Tamlick and Bertel drank while the others lowered their flasks to look at where the voice had come from. They scanned the crowd not noticing the man with the hidden face and the larger man pushing their way through the crowd toward them.

Golag took his drink as Yrden spoke again, "Master dwarves!"

Sam spotted him first: "Aye? Can we help ya?"

"I was wondering if you by chance knew a girl with red hair and green eyes? The same that's rumored to have escaped the oni and have a bounty placed on her head." Yrden pushed through the last of the crowd and met the dwarves as they stood near the statue.

The statue of Leyellen was the largest in all the realm. It towered over the tallest two-story buildings and water poured from her eyes like tears into a large circular pool below her feet. Yrden glanced at it. He always did when he came to Muttle. He loved picking apart a different part of the magical enchantments that pulled the water from the stream underground, then up and out of the eyes. It was the one thing of the druids' circle he appreciated because he'd help enchant the statue to do so.

"Who's askin? Are ye oni hunters?" Revvil said through gritted teeth.

Yrden snapped his focus back to the dwarves. The man behind Yrden declined his head so his face was completely obscured.

"No, no. We're nothing of the sort. You five are the band of merchants that deal in Le'Drian fire wine, correct?"

Yrden had already known that though. It was the reason he chose to approach them.

"Aye, that we are," Golag grumbled.

"We've already sold our stock to the inns. I'm sure The Drunken Haystack still has some despite the festival," Tamlick said.

"I'm not interested in the wine. I'm interested in the girl."

"What say we know her." Revvil's eyes narrowed. "Why are ye looking for her?" Revvil asked.

"Aye, what do you want with the lass?" Bertel threw a finger at Yrden while squinting one eye.

Yrden's lips curled at his slip, and Tamlick slapped the backside of Bertel's head.

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