How to out smart a hell hound god

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We were surrounded in a matter of seconds. I had time to process what I was seeing a battalion of hell hounds. (A battalion is 400-1000 men) (Or in this case hell hounds) The ring was three hell hounds deep, no chance of escape. Klepedon snarled and the ring around us split a small section of the hell hounds moved away and closed back when Klepedon entered our prison. He smiled gruesomely, "Well, I will let you go on one condition." I stepped forward, "What might that condition be?" I asked cautiously. "You must not touch one hell hound as you travel through my domain. I will call my hounds off, but if you kill a hound you will be put to death." I remembered a myth about this guy, "He would make heroes promise him this and then send his strongest hell hound after them. When the hero killed the hound Klepedon killed the hero for not keeping his oath. That is if the hell hound didn't kill the hero first. I nodded, "On behalf of my trio we agree to these terms and swear on the river Stxy that we will kill no hell hound. As do we expect you to hold your oath." Thunder rumbled in the distance. He grinned, "I swear on the river styx I will grant you safe passage through my domain. After you leave expect no help from me."Thunder rumbled again. I nodded and walked forward and the hell hounds split. With Caleb and Nico close behind me I held my head tall and dare not look back at Klepedon in fear he would discover my plan.

After we were out of ear shot Caleb looked at me wildly, "Are you crazy he'll kill us a soon as we are out of his kingdom." I smiled, "No he wont." They both gave me confused looks, "He sends his most powerful hell hound after us to kill us right when we are on the border, to kill us. If it doesnt kill us and we kill it he accuses us that we are still in his kingdom and we broke our oath. Therefore he gets to kill us." Nico tilted his head, "What do you suggest we do?" I pulled them closer by the shoulders. Here's the plan, "We go across, but only Caleb. Me and Nico stay on this side of the border. When the dog lunges for us we will be on the border, but  Caleb will reach over the border and kill it. Caleb this plan will work but only if you never, NEVER step one centimeter over the boarder." Nico and Caleb looked amazed. I said," What part of being a warrior of legend is I have the gift of Athena." The shrugged in realization. Caleb said, "Ok I think this is our best bet but even if it does work he will still attack us for killing his hound after we leave his kingdom." I nodded, "That's the trick. If we can convince him that we outwitted him he will give us a platoon (50 men) of hell hounds to be completely loyal to us. The only person ever to accomplish this feat was Albertus Magnus he was a Medieval philosopher. He was a son of the son of Merlin. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Laps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We were only a few feet from the border of Klepedon's kingdom. I said to Caleb, "I will shroud you in mist it will only last ten seconds  there is 100 feet of no mans land you have to cross before the mist wears out. You can cross his boarder undetected, if you run fast enough. Once you are out Nico and I will make our way across. When we are but five feet from the edge of no mans land the hell hound will attack us. That's when you reach over the boarder, BE REALLY CAREFUL NOT TO STEP OVER IT, and kill it." Caleb sarcasticly rolled his eyes, "You really gotta put the emphasis on the stepping over the boarder thing don't you?" I widdened my eyes, "YES! If you step over the boarder this plan will utterly fail and we will be Klepedon kabob!" Caleb took a cautious step back, "Ok." 

~~~~~~Another time laps~~~~~dont you love these thinks ;)~~~~~~~~~

Caleb made it across the boarder and me and Nico were closing in on the edge of no mans land. 20 feet. 15 feet. 10 feet. 9 feet. 8 feet. 7 feet. 6 feet. Here goes nothing. Boom! Hell hound in my face! It snarled at us and I yelled, "Now Caleb. Watch your feet." Caleb threw his sword over the boarder in compleate accuracy. Hitting the hell hound and Exploding into the largest cloud of monster dust I've ever seen. All of a sudden there was a poof of brownish yellow smoke, and there stood a very angery looking Klepedon. "How dare you! You broke your oath. I shall kill you now!" He raored. I pointed towards Caleb, "Look who threw it. He was already out of your kingdom. Our oath was that while we were in your kingdom we would kill no hell hound." Klepedon smirked, "I take it you have some training in the art of Grimore." I nodded a curt triumphet nod. He sighed and a poof of cloud reavealed 50 fit and agressive looking battle thirsty hell hounds. "For completing my challenge these hell hounds will be loyal to you untill thier, or your, death." With that he poofed out and I went over to meet my new pack of puppies. 

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