Out of bed...finally

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        I woke up three mornings after my surgery. I relaxed and read a book that was written in Greek. After about and hour, give or take, Caleb came in with a huge smile. So I said out little inside joke, "Who brought sunshine to Hade's rainy parade?" Caleb laughed, "More like your rainy parade. You're allowed to get out of bed today and come sword practice!" Caleb was almost more excited that I was. I yelped, "Finally!" Caleb laughed. After I ate breakfast, which Caleb had brought in. I got out of bed and realized I was wearing the same cloths I was the day of the Griffin attack. I frowned, I couldn't co out into camp with a bloody shirt that had a huge hole in it. Caleb held up a box. I opened it and there was cameo knee length shorts and a brand new Camp Half-Blood shirt, some new sneakers that were solid black with one neon blue stripe, fresh socks, and... well... the 'unmentionables'. I smiled and gave him a huge hug. Caleb waited outside the room while I changed. 

        The first thing I did was slowly move towards the curtain and jumped out and hopped onto Caleb's back. He jolted forward than stated to run. I laughed as he trotted outside swung me down and gave me a kiss on the nose. He then poked me in the side and started running ( a clear indication I should follow) I squealed when he poked me and I ran after him. I passed a dozen or so other Half-bloods, but didn't care. I was more intent on laughing and shouting threats at Caleb, who was now weaving through the javelin racks. I darted ahead of him and sunk ahead of him when he was behind a rack of daggers. I jumped out in front of him and pushed him to the ground. I was face down on the ground laughing so hard it sounded like I was crying. Caleb thought I was crying, "Katie are you okay, did I hurt you!" Caleb said worriedly. I turned over and Caleb realized I was laughing. He started laughing as well. I realized there was someone hovering over us. I saw a girl probably a year or two older than Caleb, "Caleb, what is this?" Caleb looked up and stopped laughing, "Uh, hey Mags. Katie this is my sister she's like second in command in the Hephaestus cabin." Mags looked at me with a smile, "You must be the new girl Caleb's been mooning over. Yesterday, he hit his thumb with a hammer while working on a dagger." Caleb looked distraught, "Hey, I saw a cloud that looked like a horse and I thought of her. It's not my fault was distracted!" I laughed, "Nice to meet you Mags." She nodded then walked off.

        Caleb sighed, "She is the biggest pain this side of the underworld." I looked a him and said, "Arn't you happy." Caleb laughed and said, "I like her, as my sister, but she is... pppphhhh." Caleb let out a sigh of air. He stood up and offered me a hand. When we finally made it to the sword arena I squeaked then apologized to Caleb for my high-pitched girly moment. He laughed. Went we went inside there were five other Demi gods already practicing. I noticed they were practicing with swords and to the kill, I was shocked, they were stroking lethal blows at each other. Caleb noticed my astonishment and said, "All the equipment in here is made out of enchanted metal. Inside the arena the swords cannot leave a scratch on you. The feeling is the same for the swords man though. It takes just as much effort to plunge the sword into the gut as a regular sword would." I understood now. Caleb demonstrated by plunging a dagger into his stomach then he told me to pull it out. I pulled it out and it did feel the same as a regular sword. Caleb ushered me a warning, "These swords are like this only in the arena, if you step over the thresh hold with a sword in you the sword will no longer be under the enchantment and you will be left with a serious wound. So don't leave the arena with a sword in your gut. We have a security system at all the doors to check you before you leave to make sure you don't have any swords in you, because you can't feel them." 

        I asked Caleb who is going to be training today. He said, "Me, you, Perce, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, Leo, and Nico." I nodded, "Does Percy know that I'm here?" Caleb shook his head, "Nope" I suddenly had an idea," Lets have a mask and hood on me and when Percy walks in I'll be practicing with someone, then you walk over to Percy and don't say anything just watch me. When he asks who I am just shrug and say 'doesn't talk'. Then I'll walk over to you guys and take my hood and mask off and surprise him!" I finished with a deep breath. Caleb smiles, called everyone else over, told them the plan and Annabeth brought me into the Girl's Locker room to get a mask and hood.

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