Hades's wrath and the blessing of a father

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        After Percy left I looked up at Caleb and said, "Its a good feeling to know that the whole 'I love you too' thing wasn't just because I was dying." Caleb bent in a kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "I wouldn't dare lie to a dying person, or risk the wrath of Hades." He gave me a little smirk. Then out of seemingly no where there was a huge black cloud of smoke. Of course, Hades appeared he looked really angry, "You..." He pointed towards me, "You defied me when you escaped the jaws of Cerberus. Tell me how did you escape him. Only one person has ever done that and it was Hercules, and that's because he's a god. You are obviously not a god." I sighed, partially because I was expecting a visit from my 'beloved' uncle for this very reason. "Hades, do you know who I am?" I asked. Hades grumbled, "No, and I don't care. All I care is that a demi-god escaped me. AND I WANT TO KNOW WHY!!!Hades roared. I simply said, "I am a daughter of Poseidon, and one of the prophesied Warriors." Hades looked heart broken, "You are supposed to be in hidding with your memory wiped!" I guess Poseidon didn't tell any of the gods he was sending Percy to find me and bring me to CHB. "Surprise, and now by the power invested in me, Katie daughter of Poseidon, one of the Warriors of prophocy, I shame you and command you leave my presence at once!" I screamed. As I mentioned earlier, screaming makes bme feel bigger. I screamed really really loud because, well Hades is a god. At that a black cloud of smoke enveloped Hadesand he was gone. But the smoke was different that the smoke that brought him here. It had a slight sea-blue hint to it. I assumed that I charmspeaked him, and the smoke was sea-blueish because I forced the smoke to take him back to the underworld. 

        Apparently Nico must have felt the presence of his dad, because no seconds later he came rushing in and asked, "Is Hades here!" I muttered, "Was" Nico just sighed, "Yeah I can see that, something or someone forced him to leave. I don't know what but he didn't leave of his own accord." Nico huffed then left the infirmiry. It was just me and Caleb. He laughed and said, "I have never seen a meer demi-god order around a god before!"I just laughed and said, "Apparently I got some prety powerful charmspeak." 

        Another rumble...  Oh great... Wait! It's Poseidon!!! How I knew who it was, even though I'v never met my father before. A hint: Hawiian print shirt with Bermuda shorts. "My daughter." Poseidon was laughing. "You do indeed have extreemly powerful charmspeak to be ordering around the Lord of the dead!" I smiled and said, "just taking a wack at the basball...Dad?" He laughed and said, "Who else, I see you have found your trouble-making soulmate again. Nice to see you hammerhead." I was a little confused, "Hammerhead?" Poseidon laughed then said, "Yeah that was Caleb's nickname on Olympus he was hammer because of his Hepheastus background, so we went with hammerhead, like the shark because of his temper. You were G. Fire." I was even more onfused, "G. Fire?" Caleb answered this time, "We called you G. Fire like greek fire, because you were fiesty and smart with your words." I laughed then said, "well I think Hades would say 'G. Fire is back for good, baby!" Poseidon laughed, and I thought Caleb was going to stop breathing. 

        Poseidon said, "Okay, now time to be serious. Katie... you have great powers like Caleb does. You both have power equal to each of the gods. He began to list off some of them.

For Zeus you have the power of lightnig and flight.

For me you have the power of water and eathshaking.

For Hades you have the power to raise the dead and invisability.

For Hestia you have the power of hopsitality and gentleness.

For Athena you have the power of wisdom and battle strategy.

For Artemitis you have the power of hunting and animal communication.

For Apollo you have the power of music and healing.

For Aphrodidte you have the power of charmspeak and love.

For Hephaestus you have the power of the forge and fire.

For Ares you have the power of war and vengance.

For Hermes you have the power of speed and theivery.

For Dionysus you have the power of plants and food.

For Demeter you have the power over the harvest and tenderness.

You have many other powers that of the minor gods and goddesses but thoes are the main ones" I just said, "wow." Poseidon said, "Yes, but I need to fully activate them, Calebs were activated and so were your's when you lived on Olympus. Whe Hera whpied your memory she deactivated you full powers. Calebs remained intact." I siad, "Okay, wjat do I have to do?" "You must repeat after me. I insert your name here..." I replied, "I insert your name here." Poseidon sighed and said, "you are to much like your brother.. Just forget the repeat part... I Poseidon god of the seas command my daughter, Katie the Warrior of phrophocy,'s powers to be reavealed and fully activated." With that said a stoke of lightning came from no where ant hit ne right o the head. It didn't hurt just tingled. Poseidon sighed, "It is done your powers are fully active. Use them wisley, Oh and dont't torture Chiron please. He's trying to look after you. I hugged my dad and then he left with a wave of sea water.

       "Well that was an eventful day." I muttered to Caleb. He sat on the bed next to me and chuckled softly, "I still can't believe you charmspeaked Hades." Then he bent in for a kiss. I reached my arm up, the way I did when I was dying and held his neck. When he stopped kissing me he hovered his face over mine, inches away and said, "Never, Katie, I will never stop loving you. The way you smile, your sarcasm, your acceptance, just... you..." We kissed gently then he stood up and said, "Sadly I have to go to swords practice, but guess what!" "what" I said Caleb smiled, "You get to come watch tomorow, and in five days you can start training, although I don't think you'll need much." I smiled and watch him flawlessly stide out of the room. I closeed my eyes and thought about him and me and us.

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