A poison with no cure

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After Chiron left, it was just me Caleb and Percy in the enclosed blanket room thing. I wondered where I was, I mean I knew I was at Camp Half-Blood but I mean where in the camp. So I asked, "Where in camp am I?" Caleb laughed and said, "No one told you... you're in the infirmary, there are about five other people in here but they are all on the other side of the room, request of Perce's." I had an idea, "Well if I'm a daughter of Poseidon why don't you bring me outside and let me have a dip in the water and see what happens?" I knew why it wouldn't work but they didn't, or so I thought, Percy looked at me and I knew that he knew why the water wouldn't heal my wound. I sighed before he could say anything and said, "I know, I just wanted to see the sunshine one last time." Both Percy and Caleb looked confused, Caleb said, "What do you mean one last time?!" I looked at them, "I thought you knew and that's why you wouldn't let me try to go outside." Percy had an extremely confused look on his face, "We arn't allowed to move you yet or you might bleed to death if the wound is opened, you already lost a lot of blood. What do you mean one last time?" I sighed again, they didn't know, they just didn't want me to loose anymore blood. I murmured, "The Griffin." Caleb said, "What about the Griffin?" I reluctantly said, "The poison." Percy looked like he saw someone from Elysium. He said, "I knew you were unconscious for too long with your wound." Caleb just stared at me and said frantically, "Poison, do you know which, what's the cure!"

         I sighed, "The poison is a combination of the death angel, the most deadly mushroom. For that alone there is a cure, but there's more. The mushroom was boiled into a syrup and someone cast a spell from the book of Grimoire on it as it boiled down..." Percy interrupted, "What's the book of Grimoire?" I continued, "It is a book of magic spells and enchantments from the Medieval times. Anyway the Griffin lined his claws with industrial steel, and soaked them in the syrup. He lined his claws with  the industrial steel so he wouldn't get the poison on him." Caleb didn't look at all shocked about the spells and magic and industrial steel thing, but, well, Percy was. I asked Caleb, "Why don't you seem shocked about the magic part, I shocked myself in fact I didn't even know I knew that. I guess my memory is coming back from when I lived on Olympus with you." Caleb looked at me and said, "Our Mothers are the high priestess' of Grimoire." I just nodded, "That makes a lot of sense." Percy was zoned out so I called his name, "Percy, hey, Perce." Percy sat bolt up and said, "Ninja donughts!" I laughed then said, "So I guess that means you have ADHD too?"

         Percy rubbed his head and said, "Yeah, so what is the cure for the poison?" I sighed, and looking back on this I did a lot of sighing, "There is one cure, it is the Elanthia Beetle, the remedy to cure all ill's. But, don't get too excited, they are in the Crystal Cave, and no one knows where it is. It like every other part of mythology drifted over  to western civilization. No one but the high priestess' know where the Crystal cave is and they are very picky to whom they reveal it's location to." Percy sighed, "So much for that, any other cure?" I  looked sadly at Percy, "No. Not even the gods can heal me, unless I was granted immortality, and I wouldn't accept it even if I did do something heroic."

        Percy just looked totally dejected and said, "Katie your one of the high priestess' daughters think really hard can you find it?" I tryed, I imagined a cavern and a cave full of priceless crystals that told the future. "I found it!" I gasped. Then using what I like to call DGGPS short for Demi-God GPS (I think you can figure out the GPS part) and zoomed out, "Cave, Canyon, Big... GRAND CANYON" I yelled. then realized how loud I was. Then continued in a normal voice, "Its five miles up the south end of the Grand Canyon, in the cave on the left twenty feet up." Percy looked like he'd leap to the moon and back he was so happy.

        "I'll get Jackblack and leave at once. Caleb tell Chiron when you see him, where I've gone." Caleb just chuckled and said, "Percy, always jumping out of his sword belt to get somewhere." I laughed, then Caleb said, "I should go tell Chiron." I was slightly worried I was still in a little bit of shock from all the knowledge I had taked in, in about one hour. So I asked, "Caleb.." "Yeah, Kate?" "...Can you stay with me I'm a little nervous still?" Caleb said, "Sure, I'd love to." He bent in and kissed me on my fore head. I felt like I blushed then decided to admit my feelings.

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