“Do you think that’s what happened here Ralph?” Parker asks me and I could hear a faint glimmer of hope in his voice. “I’m not sure brother. But I sure hope it is. It’s a lot better than the alternative.”

            “What’s the alternative father?” Daniel asks looking confused. “Suicide Daniel, the alternative to this is suicide.” His faces pales and his eyes widen. “Tyler’s not the kind of person who would do that father.” He whispers. I sigh and look at Parker, who nods.

            “Daniel, Tyler’s been through a lot in the last year or so. First, she loses her twin brother on their birthday, and half of her old pack. Then she’s moved to a place and into a pack that she doesn’t know. Then she finds a mate. The one person who’s supposes to love and cherish you and he goes and cheats on her. Son, there’s only so much a wolf can take. No matter how strong that wolf is, we all break eventually. And I’m afraid that Tyler’s wolf may have reached that point, but I hope not. Oh how I pray that’s not the reason we can’t find her.”

            “Father,” he starts but he’s interrupted when my phone rings. I look at him and go answer it. “Is this Alpha O’Shea?”

            “Yes this is he. How may I help you?”

            “I’m Alpha James Blackstone. I heard that you’re looking for your niece.”

            “That’s correct, although I don’t remember telling you that.” He sighs. “No sir you didn’t. I was out of town on business when you tried to contact me. I’m sorry that I’m now just returning your call.”

            “It’s fine Alpha Blackstone.” I rub my face slowly. “Tyler O’Shea is my niece. She went missing after she took off from a beach party that my sons had invited her too. I just found out that the reason she left was because her mate cheated on her.”

            “Wait, she has a mate?” His voice was filled with confusion. “She did. The man that was her mate no longer remembers her, or ever meeting her in fact, he’s mated to another girl now.”

            “I’ve never heard of that happening since the first wolves, have you?”

            “I was just reading that. Something my son told me made me start thinking about something I had read a long time ago.” I hear a door opening on his side of the phone and a soft voice that rang as clear as a bell said, “The girl’s awake now sir. Jason’s with her.”

            “Tell him I’ll be in after I finish my phone call. We’ll see if they want to stay or not. It’s up to them.” The door shuts. We talked for several more minutes before I said goodbye and hung up. I shake my head and sit down. If the goddess wiped Tyler’s memories, then she wouldn’t remember what pack she came from, and she wouldn’t remember all the pain and hurt she’d been through. I was starting to see that as a good thing, even though we couldn’t find her. I just pray that she’s alive. But if someone had her and was hurting her, they’d be the ones praying to the goddess. They’d be praying for death.

Daniel’s POV

            I can’t believe that Dustin would cheat on my cousin. He knew that she didn’t trust to well and that she had a hard time letting people in. And he knew about Sam’s death. I only found out about because I overheard my father telling him that. I wasn’t ease dropping or anything, it’s just that my dad talks loud and his office door is a little thin. I was going to ask him if I could bring Tyler over for a family night, but I stopped when I heard him talking about her.

            I grit my teeth and head to the gym. When Dustin said that he didn’t know Tyler, I lost it. I hit him hard, though I didn’t tell Dad that. He would have been pissed. Alphas never lose their tempers no matter the situation.

            An hour after beating the punching bag up, I still feel upset. Telling Dad where I was going, I took off to the woods. My wolf needed to run and so did I. I’d been running for several hours when I come to the edge of our pack borders. As an alpha, I could cross over without becoming rouge. Lying down, I roll on my back staring at the moon. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. And jump to my feet.

            I would know that scent anywhere. It’s not fresh, but it’s still Tyler’s. Linking with Dad, I couldn’t keep the joy out of my voice. Dad! I found her scent. It’s weak, but it’s Tyler’s.

            Where at son?

            I’m at the border just south of the no man’s land and Alpha Blackstone’s land.

            Parker and I will be there soon. Don’t you dare move. The link drops and I stay where I am. Within minutes Dad and Uncle Parker are beside me. Uncle Parker takes a deep breath in and smiles for the first time in a week. “That’s Tyler’s scent alright. But why is it so weak?”

            “Probably because of the rain and the fact she hasn’t been on this side of the border in a week. Daniel, you follow the scent and let me know what you find. I’m going to send your brothers to find you after I call around again.” I could hear the hope in his voice and I could feel it rising up in me.

            I nod and take off. Racing beside the road, I track her scent. After running for hours, I finally lose it. Sniffing around, I notice that I’m just outside of Blackstone’s territory. I’d need permission to cross it, and it was in the middle of the night. Dad, her scent stops just before you get to Blackstone’s border. There are skid marks on the road, but I didn’t see her bike or anything. I’m coming home.

            He mumbles something, and I realize that he’s asleep. Laughing, I slowly make my way home. We’re one step closer in finding her.  

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