Chapter 9 - Painful Goodbye's

Start from the beginning

Bailey’s POV

“Yeah Bailey, I do! I fricking love you! So what, what do you care anyway! It’s not like you’d ever like me back, so does it matter? You like Lou anyway, so leave me alone!” he shouted and I flinched at his loud tone as he hurried out of the room, leaving me alone to shed all the salty tears that had been bottled up inside me. The problem was; he was right. I did like Louis, and that made it all worse because I couldn’t love him back; I couldn’t do that to him, he was too nice for that.

“Zayn!” I heard Louis call and walked down stairs, seeing Louis standing up, looking stressed and hurt. Looking more closely, though, I could see one, solitary tear roll down his cheek as he stared at the closed door, as still as a statue. Louis, though, had a lot of cracks in his rocky exterior, and that was when I noticed how soft his inside really is.

Louis’ POV

As Zayn left with Bailey upstairs I couldn’t help but let a few sobs sound from my mouth. What had I done to Zayn that he hated me so? I felt my heart start to ache; one of my best friends hated me!

“Yeah Bailey, I do! So what, what do you care anyway! It’s not like you’d ever like me back, so does it matter? You like Lou anyway, so leave me alone!” I heard Zayn roar before he came crashing down the stairs and left the hotel room, leaving me to call forlornly after him. So this is why he hates me; he’s jealous! He thinks that I’m stealing Bailey away from him because he… he likes her! Everything clicked into place and I finally understood why he has been ignoring me this past week. But he also said… he said that Bailey likes someone else. He said that Bailey likes me.


Two hours. It’s been two hours since Zayn’s been gone, since he stormed out of the room and left me and Bailey to sit in silence and wait for his return, and it was then that I decided to ask Bailey the question that has been nagging in my mind the last 120 minutes.

“Bailey?” I caught her attention, looking over to her.

“Yeah, Boo?” she asked and I grinned at the use of my nickname, but I soon became serious again. She saw my face and looked confused, her nose scrunching as if deep in thought. “What’s up? Why’s the Tommo so serious all of a sudden.

“When Zayn had the outburst and said that you liked me, well, er… Was it true?” I rushed and saw her pale. Not much, only slightly, but it was still visible as she searched for an answer.

Bailey’s POV

I felt myself pale at the question and tried to decide what to say, but here’s the thing; I think I did. I mean, I couldn’t get the image of how his hair swished in the wind out of my head, yet when I touched his arm accidentally, there were no sparks or anything cliché like that, so, I don’t know really.

“No, don’t worry. Zayn was just a little upset, he was being paranoid,” I explained and felt myself breath a mental sigh of relief as she nodded and grinned.

“Okay! Do you wanna play, I mean lose, a game of Mario Kart with me?” he inquired but the quizzical expression on my face only confused him more.

“What the heck is Mario Kart?” I asked and he gasped.

“Girl, we have a lot to do.”


“YEEEEEEES!” I screamed, jumping onto the couch again. “I won AGAIN! Beat that Louis,” I challenged and he pretended to cry.

“I am defeated!” he cried, burying his face in his arms and shaking his shoulders just enough to make him look like he really was sobbing. If I didn’t know better, I would genuinely believe that he was crying. He may not be very good at Mario Kart Wii but he certainly was a fantastic actor. I giggled and he looked up at me and grinned, and that’s when I felt a warm sensation making its way onto my face. ‘Oh no’ I thought desperately. ‘Don’t blush, Bailey, don’t blush!’ Luckily, Louis didn’t say anything because just then Liam, Harry and Niall burst into the room. Liam had a gigantic stuffed turtle in his hands, Harry was carrying at least three bags of Jack Wills clothing and Niall had about five bags of Nandos all crammed under his left arm as he waved to us.

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