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"fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"jesus christ, jaren. you need to calm down; his flight hasn't even left yet," mason said, rubbing the boy's back.

they were in a taxi, driving at the speed of light to make it to the airport. jaren had to help mason in the taxi and then they were off.

how had one fight turned into this? a couple months ago they were fine, and somehow they got in this position. john was moving, and jaren had to do something to stop him.

john was the only one who knew all the ugly parts. he knew that jaren had suicidal voices in his head sometimes. he knew that jaren was scared of his own words and how they could affect people. he knew that jaren sometimes hated youtube and wanted to quit.

and yet, john still had to audacity to love the broken boy.

that's what jaren liked about john. he liked that the boy was always willing to take risks, especially with love. he loved that john made the suicidal thoughts disappear and shut the voice down. he loved john.

"jaren, we need to go!" mason yelled, pulling on the boy's sweatshirt. jaren was stuck in his own head, but his body moved without his brain telling it to.

mason agreed to wait by the front in order to give them some privacy, and so jaren took off sprinting. he needed to apologize for everything he had done in the past couple weeks. he needed to tell john that he loved him with all his heart.

he collapsed into the desk, startling the woman in front of him. she raised an eyebrow at him, immediately noticing his sad face.

"is there something i can help you with?" she asked, looking at her other coworkers.

"has flight A16 taken off yet?" jaren panted out, grabbing onto the desk for some stability.

"it just took off; i am so sorry, sir."

jaren turned his head, watching a plane fly through the sky with the number sixteen on it. his eyes welled up with tears, softly dripping down his face.

the plane had taken off and he thinks that his heart went with it.

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