Chapter Nine.

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Olivia's point of view.

We all gathered in the living room of Stephan's house in a deconstructed circle.

Tired, tipsy and on edge, tonight was...

Messed up,

And it was also 3am.

Toby stared blankly as he sat on the stool he had brought over from Stephan's kitchen, Orin and I sat beside each other on the black leather that was Steph's couch, on the other one was a puffy eyed Lana and a calm but angry Vickrim playing with gun like it was a toy, twirling it around his finger as he stared into nothingness,

We were all...lost in some way,

And at loss for words.

"I just got off the phone with Blueberry," Steph had entered the living room, almost quietly, as we all looked at him in the same moment, we just all needed to hear someone speak. "Niala's home safe she said." He paused, and then sat himself down on his coffee table that was pushed back to create an open space in the middle of our gathering, his elbow sat on his thigh as he was hunched over holding his head up with his hand, his fingers slightly lost in his hair.

We had to tell Niala some lie about how we were all tired and wanted to go home, she was bummed of course, but we couldn't tell her the truth, it was for her own safety. Pais's mom offered to drive her home and then Pais joined so that nothing would look too suspicious to Niala, leaving us here to discus this,

To figure this out, in the midst of processing it.

"Let's take it from the top." Stephan took the lead while he propped himself up to get serious, we were all tired but we had to figure something out

He faced, her,


"So..." She swallowed "Toby left to go to the Lake house and then I decided to text Vickrim to come over, because he was still in town, I didn't want to be alone." She said shaking her head as she was replaying what had happen, in her head, while Vickrim apologized to Toby again for sleeping with his sister, Toby didn't take it to heart, Lana was old enough to make her own choices and he didn't concern himself with her dating life so he waved off Vick's apology as Lana continued "so I went to shower and got dressed and then went downstairs to put on a movie while I waited for Vick, he was taking long so I fell asleep on the couch downstairs and then," she paused and closed her eyes for a moment to open them with fresh tears stinging them red, "I woke up to a hand in a black glove over my mouth pressing me into the couch as I screamed, he wore a mask with eye holes cut out, but he-he" she sniffed "pulled it off and smiled at me while I tried to fight him and he s-said that he was back and that I should tell Stephan that it isn't over." She wiped her tears and said "he told me if I called the cops he would make a stop at Stephan's house and kill Anita and kill Bree, he knew you weren't home Steph, I knew you weren't home, so I didn't want to take the risk." She cried "I called Vickrim crying to him and telling him what had happened, telling him everything about Ian, while he was on his way to see me." She said and then Toby walked over to her to console her, "I drove like a fucking crazy person after her call, I tried to come get you Steph but Grace told me you weren't home, so I just went straight to Lana's house, to be there for her while I could be." Vickrim said his part and then turned to Lana.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there sooner. I will forever regret it." He sincerely spoke and then hugged her.

"We should call the cops." Orin said and then Toby chimed in "What the fuck are the cops going to do? The cops in Rickwood are useless. We called them the last time after that fucking idiot escaped and they couldn't find him, we left it alone and look what happened! His back, and not just for Lana this time." He was upset "For all of us, for revenge!"

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