Chapter Twelve.

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Olivia's Point Of View

I took one step through the door as the wooden floors creaked, it was dark and all I could hear was Vickrim clicking the light switch on and off to see if the lights had worked. The power was out and it was very obvious that this house had been through a tragedy.

Detective Adam Clark pointed his mini flashlight around to have a look at the scene. The house was unfurnished, and bits of abandoned belongings scattered the living room floor accompanied by torn up pages from books and newspapers.

I inhaled deeply as I narrowed my eyes at the smell while stepping fully inside this shit hole, it was obvious no one was living here anymore but it seemed as if it was a place for visit.

"It smells like..." Orin tried to focus and then finished his sentence "sage." He was curious as his eyes glanced around, the open front door and Adam's flashlight was our only source of light, we could see each other but not as clear as day.

"It's salt." Stephan said as he kneeled down to rub the substance between his fingers and then tasted it. "Don't touch anything! Let alone ingest it! Are you fucking crazy! That shit could have been poison." Adam said as he pointed the light at Steph.

"Why's it in a circle" Vickrim stepped towards Stephan as we all did the same and then he kicked the thick salt circle with his foot, breaking it open.

"What did I just say!" Adam tapped Vickrim over the head with the back of his flashlight, while Vick smirked.

"Lana." Orin said as he saw Polaroid pictures scattered in the corner of this creepy living room.

"What?" Toby said as his eyes did that curious but hidden anger thing. "It's old pictures of Lana, and....Ian." Ori turned back to see Vickrim's face as Vick licked his bottom lip exhaling deeply with a look of concern in his eyes. "That's fucked up!" Vick said as he stepped towards the pile while Toby spoke "it's recent...she's sleeping in the picture and his awake next to her."

"What the fuck! I swear to god I'll-" Vickrim release his rage, being cut off as another sound drew us all in.

"What are you doing here!?" A female's concerned, worried voice entered the room from a doorway that lead further into the house. She wore a blush pink long slink dress, her hair was up in an fancy updo and she was accompanied by light that glowed onto her skin, her one hand held up her dress from dragging on the floor so that she could walk while the floating white candle before her had lead her in the darkness, and in one quick movement Adam, Vickrim, Stephan, Toby and Orin pulled out their guns to point it at her as my arm quickly jolted forward to grab Orin's wrist but,

Before I could, her lips moved as she whispered something that sounded as if it was in another language while her free hand moved swiftly in a certain specific motion before her face,

we were all frozen stiff.

"You broke my circle! Really, you couldn't leave it alone!? Come on!" The candle gently floated to placed itself down onto the floor as I began to scream at how I was trying so hard to move but couldn't.

"Orin!" I yelled as my eyes glanced down at how close my hand was to his wrist but I couldn't move it to touch him, I couldn't move anything and nether could the boys, as we all stood frozen, freaking out.

"Liv! I can't turn I can't move!" Orin said as he still stood pointing a gun at the girl who then snapped her fingers to have all the dead candles in the room light up simultaneously.

"Fuck! What the fuck is going on!?" Vickrim yelled "Take Toby! We volunteer him as a sacrifice!" He said and then Toby yelled "Are you fucking joking! Vickrim if we make it out of this I swear I'm going fucking-"

They Call Him Asshole.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ