the leotard

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"So what happened?"

Jojo asked Lana as she came out of the bathroom. Lana had already washed of all the blood and looked just like everyone else.

"The body is still there but I have her vocal chords now so I will be able to sing just as well."

"Okay, I just hope u dont get caught."
"Don't worry, I won't."

Lana looked at Jojo with an evil grin and Jojo returned it. That was why they were best friends, because they could literally do anything and the other one wouldn't be tempted to move on and find another friend.

They were an inseparable pair those two and almost nothing could break them apart except for one thing.....


Lana and Jojo found their group getting ready to go on stage soon. As soon as they entered the room Stephanie rushed at them in panic and relief.

"Have you girls seen Kaylee we are about to go on to perform her solo, she should have been here half an hour ago!"
"No, sorry Stephanie, I think I heard someone say she went home."
"Oh well that's just great isn't it."
Stephanie was getting very pissed now.


Lana slid up next to Stephanie.

"I guess I could go on for Kaylee, I mean I have a different uniform to everyone else and I know her solo."
"Well I guess you might be able to, but we may need a stronger singer to go on."

And just with that Felicity stormed into the room very excited.

She was dressed in another one of her leotards but this one was worse.

Everyone cringed as she walked closer to Lana. She somehow had the leotard that she had given lana earlier in her right hand.

"Here you go Lana you need to get changed right now."
"Um, what exactly are you doing here?"

Stephanie seemed very confused as to why Felicity had all of a sudden stormed in on the group.

"Ummm... I err... well I noticed that you don't have Kaylee and I thought that with my past experience I could do very well as your soloist!"
Stephanie seemed surprised.

"And what experience would that exactly be?"

Felicity grabbed a nearby chair and stood up on top of it. She cleared her throat.

"Fiddle de dum, fiddle de dee, a ring around the moon is pi times d, but if a hole you want repaired, use the formula pi r squared."

"Okay I think I have heard -and seen- enough."
Said stephanie, she was covering her eyes in disgust of the horrible angle felicity was at to be wearing such a revealing leotard.

"Lana, you can do the solo."
A sigh of relief passed through Lana.
"Thank you so much Stephanie I won't let you down."

"Okay, everyone talk amongst yourselves whilst me and Felicity have a conversation."
Everyone started groping around in their own circles.

Grace and Maddi walked up to Lana and Jojo.

"So..." Maddi started. "You have the solo huh?"

"Yup." Lana replied a bit nervously.

"It's a shame Kaylee left."

That was the first thing that Lana had heard Grace say in a while.

"And to think Kaylee didn't even get to say goodbye to her boyfriend."
"Her WHAT?" Lana said, raising her voice a bit too much.

"Oh." Maddi said with a slight smirk. "Haven't you heard? Yrn_manaia and Kaylee started going out, well they were, but now that Kaylee has left without a trace things might be different."
"Who do you think is going to be his next girlfriend." Lana thought about the popularity credit she would get from being with yrn_manaia.

"Well, I would try my luck but I'm currently with this other guy." Maddi pronounced proudly.

"I could always hit up his dms and send him nudes." Mentioned Grace.
"Omg yes Grace that's such a good idea I can already see you two together!" Maddi squealed.

"I need to go and put this on." Lana held up her leotard. She did need to put it on but that was also an excuse to get out of that conversation, she couldn't handle it much longer.


Lana walked back into the room where her group was waiting. Her body was almost fully revealed, it showed her pale skin but made her boobs look even bigger than they already were. It also gave her a nice curve.

As soon as Lana walked in everyone stared at her. No one had said anything but Lana responded anyways.
Everyone looked away instantly.

"Okay everyone get into your formations, it's time to go on stage." Stephanie was clapping her hands and informing the group on what they would need to do to get all the way down to the stage area.

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