the emo earing

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As Lana stepped out of the bus she breathed in the not so fresh air of Rotorua. Looking around at her new surroundings trying to take it all in. There was a gigantic performing arts centre, just down the road from lake front. Lana barley got enough time to take everything in before she was rushed along into the gigantic building that stood before her, along with all her other choir friends. Her best friend Jojo by her side. As they were quickly ushered through the building Lana caught a glimpse of a boy, he stood tall with confidence that radiated from every corner of his perfect smile, from his ear protruded a glistening chain that sparkled in the sunlight, then lana realised he was looking in her direction. Could he really be looking at her?

Lana turned around to find that he was in fact looking at someone else... Kaylee. That fucking shithead prick, thought Lana. Lana looked back longingly towards the boy but he was nowhere to be seen.

Lana was startled as she felt a hand grab at her shoulder, it was Elizabeth, Elizabeth's hair as black and dark as night, her eyes as hazel as the diarrhea that Lana had experienced earlier.

"Did you remember your dress this time Lana, you know how clumsy you can be sometimes, ahaha!"


Lana responded. It was then at that moment that she realised she had in fact left her dress in Tauranga. Elizabeth could already see the reaction on Lanas face and that was enough for her to know that Lana had forgotten.

"Don't kill yourself you're to sexy ahaha, but seriously Lana, you need to be more OrGiNiSeD." Elizabeth said with a smirk on her face.

As Lana watched Elizabeth rejoin her group of friends (Melanie) she turned back to Jojo, but realised she was nowhere to be seen, instead in her place was bug Lily, bug Lily was about to open her mouth to speak when Lana decided it would be better to just avoid her and walk away. Now that Lana couldn't find any of her friends she decided to go and find Felicity, maybe she would have a spare dress?

She remembered that Stephanie had said that Felicity was getting the luggage out of the bus so Lana walked to the front entrance and out to the bus.

Lana walked up to the bus and around the corner to see Felicity and the bus driver passionately making out on the concrete by the bus, the bus driver's name was Dr Binns. As Lana got closer they still hadn't noticed her, and Lana noticed that Dr Binns was about to take of Felicity's bra, she could see their wrinkly tounges touching passionetly together, she couldnt bare another moment of this disgusting torture.


Lana called out to her. Felicity didn't stop kissing Dr Binns, and he was starting to move down to her wrinkly neck,

"Yes?" Felicity replied, clearly out of breath.

"Can you two horny old people stop because that's fucking disgusting!"

That got Felicity's attention, although she didn't seem mad. Felicity put her cardigan back on as she turned around to meet Lana.

"What do you want?" she asked, a tinge of annoyance stirring up in her voice.

"Umm.. I dont have my dress, do you have a spare?"

"No...but I do have something better!"
Relieved Lana followed Felicity into the bus where she grabbed her bag. She watched as Felicity rummaged through her bag full of dildos, lingerie, condoms and maths equations until she found her leotard. Felicity took it out of the bag and handed it to Lana.

"This is the leotard I use for my tumbling, I was planning on making another youtube video while i was over here but I guess you can use it when you go and perform.

As Lana held up the leotard she could see the design of it more clearly. It was a cut high up to the waist, so high to the point where the only thing covering her frontal area was a string. It was bright neon yellow all over and covered over the edges with glitter. There were decorative holes all down the long sleeves and the back was an extremely low dip. The front was made out of yellow clear fabric and had two big rhinestones for the boob coverage.

"Now you may not have the body to pull this off, but it is okay. Don't worry you're but probably won't be showing."
"Thanks... I guess."

As Lana walked out of the bus she thought about how this would be a good opportunity to impress the boy she had seen earlier. She decided to quickly walk back and thank Felicity for her new outfit.

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