Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Lucilla leaned over to Mark.  "We are but a few miles from my father's summer villa. It is possible that villa is completely in ruins.  But I may be able to gain entry to something that may surprise you."

They then stopped by Sijnore and his wife, congratulating them and blessing them.  After warm farewells and hugs, they began to take their leave, Sejnora Beline took Lucilla aside.

"My precious, Helena, there is something I want to say to you."  Her eyes betrayed an incredulous look. "Somehow, young lady, I just know this in my bones. To me it seems impossible, but here you are.  You are actually Lucilla, the daughter of Emperor Marcus Aurelius."  She hugged Lucilla and kissed her cheek.

Grabbing up some dark bread, sausages, and wine, they packed up their things on their bicycles and rode off into the afternoon.  After a few miles, Lucilla asked Mark to halt.

There before them was a grave stone.

"Mark, I read this tombstone as a young girl.  I can still make out the inscription altough it is a little worn with age."

The inscription read as follows:  I was not, I was, I am not, I care not.

 "Mark, I have always laughed at the skeptics.  They believe in nothing and cannot possibly be happy."

"What do you believe, Lucy?"

"All things in this world and out there cannot have just happened without something to create it."

"Lucy, we are not so far apart."  He kissed her, and they continued their journey.

After they topped a hill, Lucilla stopped and called to Mark.  "There is my father's villa.  Or at least it was once."

She pointed to a half-buried structure.  "That is where we can spend the night if someone does not prevent us.  I am in hopes still to surprise you."

They took care to approach the structure without being seen.  There was an entrance buried in rubble, but Mark and Lucilla were able to clear its doorway. Once inside, they looked around and saw marble figures the size of humans lining the passages.  They lit their camp lantern for a better look. They bore no signs of tampering and there were murals on the walls.

There were figures of mythological animals such as a centaur and a satyr.  Here and there were human paintings depiciting games that children would play.  Fatther into the chamber was a smaller room.

On the room walls were scenes of unclothed men and women in various positions of sex. Before them was a pool of hot water still steaming from below.

"Oh, marvelous, Mark. No one has been here to foul the water over the centuries.  Father had this ordered covered upon his death.  It looks like the servants obeyed him."  She held onto Mark.  "Let's take a proper Roman bath."

They wheeled their bicycles into the structure and laid out towels and blankets.  they rolled up coats to serve as pillows later.

Then Mark and Lucilla undressed each other with lustful smiles.

"You never came here with another man before?"

Lucilla pressed her naked body to him and gave him a passionate kiss.

"No, because I was waiting for the right man.  You."

They then stepped into the water that was warmed far down below and rose to the top  through small crevacesin the floor ot the bath.  With a small bar of soap they took turns washing each other from head to toe.  They would stop now and then and press their bodies against each other.  The would stand locked together in an embracing, enjoying the kissing and the healing waters bubbling around them.

Then they stepped out of the water by means of ancient steps still in place after almost two thousand years.

Lying down next to each other, Mark began to kiss Lucilla from head to toe.  He placed his hands on her breasts and then he chewed with gentleness on them.  She would run her hands down his stomach and reach for his manhood, feeling it grow in her soft hand.  She massaged it with tender care, working Mark up so that he almost exploded.

She backed off while he placed his fingers in her crevice, making her moan with delight.

They kissed each other with extra passion while keeping thei loving hands busy.

Then Lucillla mounted Mark, placing her hands on his chest. Looking up at the wall painting, she looked not too different from the image of an ancient Roman woman astride a curly haired man.

Mark entered Lucilla, and they began to coordinate their loving movements.  She leaned back and felt extra pleasure as they worked their loving magic together.

At length Lucilla and Mark sped up their movements as she felt her orgasm rise in her stomach and reach her mid section.  Her breasts shook with near violence as she rode Mark faster and faster.  She felt Mark explode inside her as she reached her first mind-blowing climax.

She leaned over again and kissed him full on the mouth.  Then she began to ride him again, again enjoying her lover like no other.

Once spent, they both lay side by side.

"Mark, I love you so much."

"Lucy, I love you like no other woman.  Somehow fate has brought us together when we were centuries apart.  I never want to let you go."

Nor me, you."

Lucilla--NaNoWriMo2014Where stories live. Discover now