Chapter 1 (pre-NaNo)

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god!" Fallon gushed. Being subtle was not her strong point, and most people called her a bitch. Most people were right, but for those of us she liked, and fortunately I was one of them, she was just who you needed in a situation like this. "I got your text. When did this happen?"

I glanced at the neon numbers of my alarm clock as if it had the answer and then estimated, "About five minutes ago." I felt a sharp pang of pain in my chest as my mind fluttered back to what happened. I shook my head to rid the feeling. He's not worth a tear! I reminded myself.

"Are you okay?" she asked. I knew Fallon well enough to know she didn't actually care. She wasn't really interested in hearing about my woes. Sharing my emotions would put her right off. To my relief, she moved on with her real questions, "How did he do it?"

"To my face," I sighed. Everyone always said that it is the right thing to do and only a coward would do it by phone, text or email. I was still furious at the way he did it though and would have preferred a less personal method.

"What did he say?" Fallon fished for the juicy bits.

My teeth ground together, as I remembered what he had said. "He's a complete bastard, Fallon!" I snapped. "It's not what he said but how he said it!"

I could picture Fallon shrugging, almost disinterested "What do you mean?"

"He was..." I searched for the right word, "eager." I thought for a bit trying to think about how to explain his odd behaviour. "He seemed happy and in a rush to get somewhere."

"Did he say why?"

I grunted and mimicked a pathetic whining voice, "It's not you; it's me." I let out a bitter "Ha!" rolled my eyes and then continued, "He acted as if he was doing me a favour!"

"He has!"


"Come on Kya," she almost sang into the phone, "You know you could do so much better than Jace Walker!"

I didn't answer. I wasn't feeling as if I could do any better than Jace. In fact, I didn't want to do any better. Right then, the need to have him back felt unbearable. I swallowed a lump in my throat and took a deep breath. Fallon knew I was down and out but she wasn't going to give me a shoulder to cry on, it wasn't her style. She was more of a 'let's get on with it and seek revenge' type of girl.

"Look..." she started, "We're having a house party for Christmas Eve. Come over if you want? But, not if you're going to be all sorry for yourself. You're hot! You're sexy! And we should be finding you a new man, not moping about the loser who's lost out!"

That was easy for Fallon to say. She could go through men like hot dinners if she wanted to. She was visually stunning, with her gorgeous blonde ringlets that dropped into natural waves. Fallon had broken many hearts and all of them, despite her vicious side, would forgive her in a heartbeat if they thought they'd get a second chance. But Fallon had given up on 'school boys', she was chasing after older guys, 'real men' as she liked to refer to them.

"Don't worry, I'm not moping!" I lied. I doubted my mum would let me out on Christmas Eve. Despite the fact I was now fifteen, she would still expect me to be tucked up in bed before Santa visits. Although, keeping me in hadn't stopped me going out before. "I'll see you tonight."

"Seven thirty babe." She chimed, and made a fake kissing noise, "Mwah!" into the phone before hanging up.

As I got ready, I knew there was no point asking if I could go to the party. It would be an automatic no. Mum likes us all to get an early night Christmas Eve so we can be up bright and early the next morning. So, I put my phone on silent and sneak out.

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