Coral - Spring

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Meanwhile, students from California are minutes away from leaving school to start spring break...

"I know the bell will ring" the teacher starts, "and all of you will be excited to run out and enjoy the break; however, don't forget that if you are behind in any of your assignments, you can use this time to catch up on them. If you don't finish them, then I am afraid you might have to repeat your ninth grade Earth Science class and be stuck with me next year."


The students jumped out of their chairs to leave. "Be safe everyone, and enjoy your break," the teacher says in a louder tone.

"Jeez," one boy starts, "who'd want to do homework over spring break?"

Another girl speaks up while getting her backpack, "Well, I bet that girl over there would." Then in a louder voice, "Wouldn't you Coral?"

Coral looked up at them and then back down at her books. Another girl who was standing near her replies, "Well, at least she won't be repeating ninth grade. We'll be partying it up in our sophomore year while you're stuck in this class."

The first girl gave her a disgusting look and says, "At least we'll be enjoying spring break." Then she walked off.

Coral turned to her friend next to her and says, "Thanks for that Riley."

"Of course, but you shouldn't let those girls bother you. You have so much that they don't. You even know what you want to be when you grow up."

"A botanist. Right. So popular among schoolgirls around here," Coral says while rolling her eyes.

"Well, at least you'll be happier when you are studying all those plants out in the wild away from these jerks, and you'll know which plants you can eat and which ones you can turn into a poison to slip into their drinks."

Coral looks up and smiles. "You're right. I will. Serve them right too."

Riley grins. "That's the spirit. Now let's get out of here before we get assigned an extra project."

While walking out, Riley asks Coral, "So, are you and your family still going camping this weekend?"

"Yeah, we are," Coral says while nodding. "I'm meeting my parents and brother outside right now, so we can get to our camping spot early enough to set up the tent before it gets dark." Then she looks at Riley and says, "I wish you could join us. You are like my missing sibling I've always wanted. You, your mom, your dad. You guys are like my second family. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Aww. Thanks Coral," says Riley.

"How cute," a boy starts, "Why don't you marry Riley if you can't live without them. Just hope Riley doesn't leave you, since they are your only reason to live." The boy and his friends burst out into laughter.

"They are so rude," Riley says while pulling Coral away from the guys and towards the parking lot.

As Coral and Riley approach the parking lot, a boy who looks just a little older than Coral approaches them from the fence. "Hey Sis. Hey Riley."

"Hey Blake," the two say simultaneously.

Blake smiles. "You ready to go camping?"

"Sure am," Coral responds.

"Well," says Blake, "it looks like our parents are waiting for us, so we should probably get going."

Coral nods. Then she turns to Riley and hugs them. "I'll message you on Snapchat."

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