*****creepy asterisks*****

Start from the beginning

makiroll: considering this chat group exists I doubt it

cosplayingblueberry: Anyways, who wants to start the rp?

spacejam: ME!

makiroll: please god no

ughdemenerates: I guess I can...?

dicedicebaby: yeah! :D

ughdemenerates: Alright, here it goes

ughdemenerates: (We decided to take refuge in a cabin during a blizzard. It belongs to rich bich Rantaro and there's no reception. We have just started getting ready for dinner with the little bit of electricity we had.)

cosplayingblueberry: *Bakes pie while thinking about the fun activities we'll be doing. Brings out the pie with a sweet smile*

cumininhot: *Takes a bite then spits out immediately* This tastes like shit! Can't you make something better?!

cosplayingblueberry: *my smile drains* Sure... *sadly carries the pie back into the kitchen*

kichikunt: *Clicks tongue* Well, I liked it :( *feels something on leggie* OwO what's this?

sasoidiot: *Wiggles eyebrows as I slide my hand down your leg. After getting to your ankle I slap my hand onto your thigh, making the lenny face."

spacejam: (I'm out. That was extremely uncomfortable)

makiroll: (you owe me a cinnamon roll)

spacejam: (Fuck I do)

cat-astrophe: *eats cutely*

cat-astrophe: *cleans plate cutely*

cat-astrophe: *grins cutely* that was delicious!

cat-astrophe: *turns a flashlight on cutely* imma look upstairs :3 *walks out of the dining hall cutely*

shumai: *looks around* W-where's m-m-my babu?

dicedicebaby: *jumps Onto Shushu* Wight hwere daddy UwU

makiroll: (wtf I almost lost)

dicedicebaby: I was just wooking fwor some cwummies  OwO

makiroll: (aight imma head out)

dicedicebaby: (behold my cursed magic)

makiroll: (it's cursed alright)

dicedicebaby: (I almost hurled while typing that)

shumai: (I hope you felt gross after typing that. I almost lost)

shumai: *Grabs Kokichi by the collar* Don't just wun off like that! I thought you got wost!

dicedicebaby: *looks down sadly* sowwy

shumai: SILENCE BOTTOM! *drops him on the ground and pulls out handcuffs* Ima take you to jwail >:3 *smiles sadistically* We can do this the hawd way or easy way

dicedicebaby: harder daddy ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ)

kichikunt: Son?

dicedicebaby: (lmfao)

kichikunt: ( ;) )

shumai: *Grabs a bat* you asked for it cwiminal! *smacks with a bat*

pianoqueen: *walks over to the two* What a healthy relationship :) *starts to eat bugs* *whispers* mMmmM cwunchy UwU

shumai: *throws bat through a window* I know wight?

sasoidiot: *is still stroking Kork's leggie*

kichikunt: Do you fucking require my fucking services fucker? *takes off mask to reveal lipstick*

sasoidiot: Nah. I has a leggie fetish UwU

sasoidiot: But wipstick is a turn on Ow<

ughdemenerates: (Why'd I think hanging out with you guys was a good idea?)

makiroll: (your fault lol)

cosplayingblueberry: CAN WE STOP??? I give up!! ;-;-;-;-;


dicedicebaby: PHEW!!!! That was hard, Imma go throw up in the bathroom now. 

spacejam: I'm coming with you!

shumai: I think I lost some brain cells

pianoqueen: Did anyone else hear Tenko screaming angrily near the pool?

cumininhot: She's got the right idea, Imma do that

kichikunt: I'm going to commit seesaw

sasoidiot: I'm commiting seesaw with u

makiroll: anyone need a crossbow arrow to the head?

cosplayingblueberry: me please(×÷×)人

ughdemenerates: THIS is why I never text with you guys ლಠ益ಠ)ლ

pianoqueen: Sorry Tenko :(


Words: 856

This is the worst chapter imo. I mean, the first leg scene was hilarious to think about (I even drew it lol. I would share it but it's not outlined... yet) but I think the reason I've felt so nauseous all week is because of this ugly chapter.

I was inspired to make this by r/creepyasteriks which is one of my favourite subreddits (I like the ones covered by Cuestar).

Now that this hellish chapter is over, let's look at a sweet post-game Kokichi I drew (design by Aryll):

The design (these headcanons are also awesome and agreeable :P)

Hopefully this drawing makes your day better after reading this :) i promise the next one will be nice.

Oh yee, I also started writing an Oumasai fanfic. That means I'm working on 3 longfics at once xD

A Stupid DRV3 ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now