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Warning: Strong sexual content.


The car ride was extremely uncomfortable, mostly for Jessa for obvious reasons. She remained completely silent while staring out the passenger side window, probably trying her hardest not to puke at the sound of her fathers body rolling around in the trunk. She didn't want to drive, so I was doing it as best I could.

It was a horrible idea, considering I don't have my license and barely even know how to drive. I did however know where to go to find the people that absolutely despised Jessa's father. I recall him actually killing one of these guys brothers, ironically by shooting him in the head. So yeah, he's really fucking hated by most of the guys downtown.

"We're here." I tell her, placing my hand on her thigh and rubbing my thumb against her soothingly. She nods and looks around at our surroundings, visibly confused.

"I don't see anybody." She squeaks, fear in her voice.

"They're close, I'm going to go get them and bring them here really quick." I tell her and grab her hand. "Please stay in the car."

She surprises me by nodding in agreement, not bothering to argue.

"Please hurry, J."

"I will. Two minutes." I lean over and kiss her temple before exiting the car. I motion for her to lock the door as soon as I close it and right as I heard the click, I was off and walking down the familiar empty street littered with cigarette butts and trash. The air reeked of pot and sewage, something I definitely didn't miss. I looked back a couple of times to make sure Jessa was okay until I finally reached the turn into the alleyway. Before I approached I heard familiar voices and laughter, but they stopped as soon as they sensed my presence.

"Holy shit, look who it is." Lox nudged one of his buddies that I always forget the name of and I watch as they both look at me in shock. There was another guy there too, Andy, I believe his name was.

I've known Lox for years. We would often help each other whenever we crossed paths, whether it was to split a can of food or back each other up in any gang brawls. I guess he was the only thing as close to a friend as I've gotten on these streets.

He walked up and instantly hugged me, laughing and patting me on the back afterwards.

"I thought we lost you, man. You look good!" He smiled, revealing his yellow teeth with a couple missing in the front, likely from another fight. His hair was blonde, but now appeared brown from how dirty he was. That's definitely how I looked, if not worse before Jessa took me to her home and let me shower. Lox was a few years older than me, but still the youngest besides myself that I've ever met out here.

"Not that easy." I joked and watched as Lox's friends stepped up to me with friendly smiles. I've seen these guys a couple of times too. They were cool and helped me out with a lot of things as well, which was rare to come by.

Everyone usually kept everything to themselves, which was me in the beginning until I had absolutely nothing. I knew what it felt like to have nothing, to have no one except the darkness and the stars to keep you company. The feeling of an empty stomach that remained empty for weeks, if not months, and only getting fuel from half eaten burgers from nearby dumpsters. I knew that feeling, we all did, so when the opportunity arose to help one another we did it, no questions asked.

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