Calum's shoulders sank from their defensive stance. His rock hard expression faltered. He let his head fall.

Guilt washed over him. He let out a sigh.

"He is here because she needed him. Like it or not, she will continue to need him until you talk to her and you two finally move past this." Ashton told him. "Maybe you should man up and apologize to her if you really miss her, instead of sitting here pouting because she's happy with her friend."

"How can I?" Calum argued. "They're practically attached at the hip! I'll never get a word in without him budding in!"

"I won't send him away because you're jealous and too full of pride to talk to her!" Ashton snapped, his voice full of authority and dwindling patience.

Calum didn't respond.

Ashton sighed. He composed himself once again and prayed Luke and Michael hadn't heard their conversation. He didn't need Luke to beat Calum to a pulp right before they went on stage.

"You want to know what I think?" Ashton questioned.

"Not really, but I'm sure you'll tell me anyway." Calum grumbled.

"I think you miss her and she misses you and you both think you're okay without each other." Ashton admitted. "And you're both hiding behind that lie because neither of you will admit that you're falling apart."

"Yeah, she's falling apart alright." Calum rolled his eyes.

He knew Ashton's words were true. Telling himself he was fine and time would erase his feelings for Sienna wouldn't make it so.

He just couldn't wrap his head around Sienna being miserable when she seemed to be perfectly fine and happy even.

Ashton sent Calum another glare.

"I don't see you bitching at her about this." Calum retorted, trying to take the attention off of himself and place it on Sienna. "She made mistakes too, you know."

"I'm willing to bet she's bitched at herself enough."

"And I haven't?" Calum hissed.

"So talk to her."

"I can't." Calum gasped. "She thinks I'm just some asshole who wants to play games with her. Besides, I'll never get her away from Niall."

"Stop with the excuses." Ashton snapped. "What's the real reason? What are you so afraid of?"

"She tried to talk to me and I was a dick." He admitted. "I don't think she'll forgive me."

"How will you ever know if you don't try?"

"What if this is for the best?" Calum questioned. "We aren't together and we aren't supposed to be. Maybe it's supposed to be this way."

"We've been mates for years." Ashton told him. "As long as I've known you, you've never even been interested in a girl. Let alone fallen in love." He continued, putting a hand on Calum's shoulder.

Have I fallen in love, Calum wondered. Is this what love feels like? How am I supposed to know what love feels like if I've never felt it?

"It's your decision. You can bury your feelings, move on, and let this tension between the two of you get worse." Ashton suggested. "You can talk to her about this and if nothing comes of it, then you can go back to being friends." He listed the second option. "Or you can take a chance on the first girl you've ever fallen for and see where it goes."

Calum met his eyes. Ashton had a way of providing reassurance. He could give you a newfound sense of faith that everything would work itself out in the end.

Dirty Little Secret // C.H.Where stories live. Discover now