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The rumbling of thunder shakes the windows, the lightning bright behind my curtains. The thunder and lightning quiet down, and I clearly hear mama's yelp; it pierces through the silence. And just as soon as the thunder and lightning left, it returned. I rush out of my room and to the kitchen, her sobs filling the house. The only source of light coming from the bulbs above the dining table. I find her on the floor by the table, her body folded over itself; her back hunched over as she shakes with grief. The house phone in her hand tells me everything I need to know.

I fly to her side, resting my head on her shoulder, my arms wrapping around her petite body. Her sobs echo through the house, it's the sound of a mother who has just lost her only son. It seems like only minutes after rushing to her side that three bodies walk through the front door. Their shadows are still in front of the windows, the lighting flashing through the sky outlining their silhouettes.

"Ms. Lester, I'm sorry." His voice is calm, low, monotone.

The figures step towards us; mama let's out an even louder wail. A blonde haired boy and brown haired boy bend to her level; her arms reaching out for their warmth. Without hesitation they open theirs' and absorb her trembling body. The ache in her cries rattle me to my core. I look down at my shaking hands, bringing my right arm up to wipe my tears. The third shadow appears in front of me, making me hold my breath. His face is blank, no sign of pain or grief for the brother he just lost. His striking green eyes study my dull brown ones. I stare into his eyes, the heartache for his lost friend appearing momentarily, before it's gone.

I pick myself off the tile floor and feel my breathing shorten. My lungs feel empty, unable to capture air for my limp body. I use all my strength to get to my wobbly feet, making my way past the third figure and his emotionless face. I climb my way back to my bedroom as my little sister opens her door, oblivious to the heart wrenching news. I ignore her confused looks, and stagger to my bedroom, closing the door quietly. I slowly inch back into bed, and collapse in my duvet, letting the warmth absorb my body.

The door opens and I hear her quietly ask if it's about Benny. I can feel her crawl under the layer of warmth and face me. Her breathing is uneasy; I can tell she's trying to stop herself from sobbing. She's unsuccessful and a cry rips through her fragile body.

'Henny, is he really gone?' She chokes out.

'Yeah.' Is all I can get out, before bursting into tears as well.

I wrap my arms around her, and she wraps her arms around me, hugging me close. We're all that we have now.

*5 months later*

Senior year. It's a big deal. It's the last year of homecoming, winter formal and of course, senior prom. This is the time to focus on the future while simultaneously creating amazing memories with your best friends before you guys split up and don't talk ever again. I'd be lying if I say I'm not excited to be done with high school, don't get me wrong, high school is great and I love every second, but there's more to see and do. Mama said once Regan finishes school we can move, anywhere me and her want. We both decided on Italy.

"Hey Henny."

"Hey Collin, what's up?" I ask as he takes a seat across from me.

Lunch in high school is what you think it would be; everyone has an 'assigned' table, the athletes sit towards the front of the cafeteria, the drama and academic team behind them, then there's the groups based on race, the band and orchestra kids, the goths and emo kids, the stoners, and finally.... people like me. We aren't technically loners; we just don't have a group, technically.

violent roses * hsWhere stories live. Discover now