Chapter Eight.

Beginne am Anfang

"Tell Rossy momma bear is home, " I said while pointing my feet in my Louboutin's at the door and gripping my Gucci bag as I allowed my feet to carry me out, before waving goodbye to my kid as she innocently waved back at me "and I'll be seeing him shortly." I glanced up at Anita one final time before walking my way out and sighing in frustrating as I shut my front door behind me,

The night was cold, and the Neighborhood was silent, just like I remembered it. I looked through the window again to see Anita frantically speaking on the phone,

I smiled at how it was so easy for me to shake up Richwood's first family, anyone close to the king himself Stephan Ross Duke.

I walked down the street knowing I had nowhere to go and I was broke as fuck so I couldn't book a hotel, but Lexi lives close so I might as well room with her, I wonder if she still-

I heard the loud sound of tires squealing, and suddenly the quietness of Richwood was non-existent, I could smell the burning of the rubber ruining the tart of the road with dark marks that now stained it.

A black car stopped dead beside me as my heels clicked on the pavement causing me to clutched the Gucci tighter, holding onto it for dear life,

please don't rob me. My inner voice squealed, as the window buzzed down.

"What the fuck are you doing in town?" His licorice dark hair was parted down the middle while the street lights had made his diamond earring's glisten.

I sighed in relief at a familiar face, and then rolled my eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing, don't you have weed to sell in the streets of Chicago, Vicky Vicky?" I smiled thinly at Vickrim LaCarter who was the last person on this earth I wanted to see.

"Don't you have a golf tournament to watch?" He spat "Where's Stephan!?" He assumed I was looking for him too, he seemed like he was in a rush and wanted answers as I continued to walk and then turned around to yell.

"I don't fucking know," I said not wanting to converse with him any longer. "But his not home." I added finally and then it dawned on me that Mr drug man could give me a ride to Lexi's, I mean who the fuck wants to walk,

"Wait!" I heard him about to drive off as I yelled almost running after him.

"What!?" He asked angrily.

"Can you drop me at Lexi's!?" I waited for him to answer and then he pulled a dirty look at and drove off in speed after saying "The fuck out of here with yo stupid ass, you can walk bitch."

Orin's Point of View

"You smell nice." I heard Niala say as she stood leaning against my car with her back pressed against it while I was digging past all of the takeaway bags to reach for my charger that was laying on the floor of my passenger seat.

The sky was kind of empty tonight, but this lake house wasn't. The music was loud, a few guest were already drunk and the pointless conversations with people were beginning to make me regret this, I fucking hate parties.

I feel like grabbing Liv by the throat and just getting the fuck out of here, but I couldn't. Liv loves parties, and I had Toby to compete with because it was pretty obviously that he was macking on my girl.

Fuck... "macking" who the fuck am I? Where the fuck did I learn that word. Who the fuck says that shit. I shook my head clearly disappointed in myself and then I had remembered that this girl had just complimented me and I should probably say something,

"Thanks." I exhaled deeply, slightly annoyed as I pulled myself upright from digging in my car and then shut the door. I handed her the charger.

She smiled taking it "I'll..." she stared into my eyes for a moment too long, and then I narrowed them.


Sweetheart, you don't want this.

"Um...I'll get it back to you ASAP! I promise." She ended off and then I cleaned my teeth with my tongue, eyes still narrowed as I waited for her to walk away but she didn't move, instead she kept standing there and then she opened her mouth to say something again but...

Her words wasn't the words that spoke.

"Y'all good?" Stephan said interrupting her as she awkwardly waved him off.

"Yeah, just needed a charger." She held it up to show him "Orin's borrowing me his."

"Okay, fuck this." I exhaled "Cut the shit." I said to her "You're into me I can tell, but you and I? Nah." I said maybe being a little too harsh, but I've always been a one woman kind of man, why would shit change now. "You're wasting your time, this party is filled with decent guys but I'm...." I wanted to say in love with Olivia but Steph was here and I just...

"Taken." Stephan finished my sentence, "but Toby isn't." I added trying to kill two birds with one stone.

But still not forgetting what Stephan had just said,
He knows.

"Have you met Toby?" I scratched the back of my neck staring at her while she bit the corner of her lip nervously.

"You're an asshole!" She said with a straight face, "Yeah, I thought you were nice and I heard so much about you from Pais and sure I kinda liked you, but you trying to push me aside and hand me over to your friend like I'm something to just pass off..." She shook her head "is kind of a dick thing to do."

"Your an ass!" She said pushing me aside vulgarly as she made her way back up the steps and into the crowed of partying people.

"Bru!!! What the fuck!?" Stephan smiled, almost laughing "what the fuck is wrong with you!" He shoved my shoulder "I know you ain't the nicest guy but that was cold as fuck!"

I instantly felt bad.

"Shit! I should probably catch her later to apologize."

Stephan's phone began to ring as we stopped our conversation while he pulled it from his pocket, looked at the caller ID and instantly his eyes grew big,

It was Anita.

Something was wrong.

They Call Him Asshole.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt