Chapter four

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*Clary's POV*
As soon as the maiden warlock, Mattley I think her name is, told us that this Lucinda girl, which I have a feeling that Magnus already knows this, has the book and she put a block spell around the book and around her location making it harder to get to her. As of now, we are currently staying at a hotel and thank goodness that Izzy has extra pair of clothes.

"Clary, is any of your other memories coming back?" She asked while we are currently resting on the bed while Magnus and Alec shared a room and Jace and Simon have their separate rooms.

"Well it's coming back, but slowly. I still can't remember what happen to my mom, dad, Luke. All has been a blur." I stated to her. She got up and went to comfort me that I needed. After a while we got cleaned up and got dressed to sleep and went into the two single beds of the room.

"Sweet dreams Clary." "Goodnight Izzy." Then just like that sleep had taken over my body.

I was alone in what seems to be in a forest with thick fog in my way.

"Hello is someone there?"

I tried to scream but only to be greeted with silence. I detected my surroundings but since it was covered in fog I can't see a damn thing and obvious choice I tried to rummage through my pockets to see if I have a flashlight with me.

'Great I have no source of light and-' my thoughts were interrupted when the last time I remembered was being with Izzy and the others and we slept in the hotel room. I then tried to move forward and see if I can and I did.


a faint voice said. Someone was calling me. Like the curious one I was, I followed the sound cause there's literally no one around here until I was face to face with a hooded figured.

"Who are you? Where am I? Where are my friends?" I began to ask questions.

"Don't worry Clarissa Fairchild, or would you prefer Clarissa Morgenstern instead?" The hissed figure asked.

"It doesn't matter what you call me but I need to know. Answer my questions." I said demandingly.

"Well Miss 'Fairchild' you're in a dream world, wherein your soul and your mind can contact to different spirits."

"Then why are you here then?"

"I'm here because I have contacted your soul so that we may meet here. Don't worry we will meet again in person. But for now, I can't reveal my face to you nor I can tell you who I am. But I will tell you, something is waiting for you tomorrow so you and your friends better be ready."

"What's gonna happen tomorrow?" I asked while the hooded figure showed me a digital tablet.

"Do you know what this is right?"

"Yea I do, it's the same tablet that I remembered Izzy using but I can't recall which was it."

"These are what the enemy will look like but I can't say about what their leader looks like. All you have to know and remember are their names."

"What are these? Demons?"

"Yes but demons you don't see on a daily basis nor in Edom. They're called tester demons. Make sure you don't use physical attacks on them or even let them get close to you because they alone can absorb your strength and can double the power when firing back to you."

"I'll make sure to tell the others about this."

"There's one more thing, trust only a group named Nova Stars, they know what you're looking for and they'll show you and your friends what you're looking for."

"Wait I never really got your name."

"Like I said before, I can't tell you, but you and I will meet again soon."

And just like that, she started to disappear leaving me there and I was soon surrounded by darkness.
I woke up and look at the time that was in between me and Izzy's bed.

'9:00 in the morning. I must've sleep that long.'

I thought to myself as I found out that Izzy was out of bed. I soon prepared myself for the day, bathed myself and got dressed. My signature black leather jacket with a black undershirt, black leather jeans with my combat boots and of course my undergarments underneath all of them. I soon got out of the room and headed to where they have a dinning room and saw Simon, Izzy, Magnus, Alec and Jace.

"Hey guys, morning."

"Well someone's already up." Izzy teases while I playfully smile at her and say beside Jace and her.

"Well, now that we have a lead, we thought that we should head back to the Institute and make the necessary preparations." Alec said while our breakfast arrives and we all began to dig in. Izzy elbowed me and eyed towards Magnus and Alec direction to see them feeding one another waffles. Me and her just stared at each other and giggled amongst ourselves.

"Huh, I thought the honeymoon ended in your around the world trip from Rome to Europe?" Jace teased.

"Shut up." Alec said smiling bashfully while Magnus answered his teasing.

"Can't a husband be sweet for his husband Jace?" Magnus said playfully smiling while Jace replied with a playful smile back.

The morning was going well and I was about to tell them something when the whole building shook from where it stands. Everyone, including us, went outside only to see the demons that the hooded figure showed to me in my dream. Along with them were soldiers with unfamiliar marks on their shoulders.

"Well, I guess plan's going to be cancelled for a bit." Alec said as they readied their weapons to attack.

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