Chapter three

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*???'s POV*
The book of the Quoriocious is finally mine. Now, the only question is where on earth will I deliver this to? I mean, there's no directions to their evil lair whatsoever- but then again, we don't trust each other and added to that, we've only met, like, NEVER so from the villain's perspective of 'don't trust anyone' yea it makes a hella-lot of sense. I was teleporting from place to place- from Texas to Kansas to New York and then to Canada- and still no sign. I let out a small yet visible blast to a mage's eyes cause I was so damn frustrated and kept on going.

*Narrator's POV*

Meanwhile in the dark shadows of their world lies a cold and hidden fortress filled with bats, dark caves as well as a dead forest and to make matters worse, the whole fortress has chains either lying around, in the sides as well as ones dangling from the towers and some of the dead trees around, don't ask where the chains are used for. "My lady, the troops you have requested are ready. We're simply awaiting your first launch of an attack." One of the guards reported, taking off his facial disguise and bowed before a figure that was resting on what seems to look like their throne simply smirk to themself.

'And what better place to send a message was to where those no good shadowhunters are.' They thought as they gave one glance at the guard kneeling before them and they quickly dismissed him as they stood up and went around pacing in the darkened shadowed room.

"Show me the crystal eye and tell me where are the so called protectors of New York in this time period." They commanded to one of the guards that was on standby and knew that he already was following their command judging by the heavy footsteps leaving the guard's usual spot. They got what they needed and so they commanded the crystal eye to reveal where Jace and the others are.

"So, having a little trip in the city of love eh." They said to themselves in a hushed toned of a voice then a smirk quickly plastered itself on their face. They gave their order and commanded them to prepare the troops for a little bit of messing up and attacking in Paris.


"Here we are at Paris' central town." Magnus said as they started to walk and at the same time admire how beautiful the place was. Suddenly, Clary's expression shot up and started to carefully looked around. She came abruptly to a halt as she was falling behind the others. Jace must have noticed that Clary was feeling a little bit uneasy as he looked back and went towards her asking if she's alright. Magnus, Simon, Alec and Izzy all came towards the both of them and Clary was just squinting her eyes shut while jace was caressing her face softly with both of his hands intertwined with hers. After a couple of waiting, she then spoke up but her voice was all shaky as if she couldn't believe her own memories at this moment.

"I remember............ this place. That-..... Jonathan, the name that Jace said, used to take me here-...... when we were looking for-........something that I can't seem to recall." She said finally taking a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, which it worked, and now she looks to see worried faces in front of her.

"Clary, do you remember-....some more of what happened here?" Izzy asked while Clary went silent for a bit and stared at the ground until muttering something like demon and a portal and someplace called Alicante. The all felt silent as they only nod their heads and Izzy thanking her for saying that to them. At least now they know that bringing her here triggered some of her memories and that might be the ticket in getting all her memories back. After walking in very uncomfortable silence, Magnus speak up from what he is thinking.

"It seems that your mind is starting to let the flow of the faded and fuzzed up memories through, my dear." Magnus said to them specifically to her as they continued on walking following him and Alec.

"Well then, we better go and hurry to finding that book." Alec said and sooner than later, all of them were standing before a very cozy looking bookshop in the streets of Paris. Magnus leads them in as he opened the door for them.

"Hello ladies and gents, what can I help you-?" The young lady asked as they entered the shop and the bell rang signaling her that some people are there. She turned around and saw who was there then all of a sudden her face lit up like the expression of a child excited for their first ice cream treat by his/her parents.

"Mr. Bane, what a pleasure seeing you again." The girl said while giving Magnus a 'bone' crushing hug followed by hugging each and every one of them including Clary, which she stepped away when she was about to lunge herself at her.

"Sorry, I'm not into hugging." She stated as the young girl, which they learned her name was Addie, nod her head then all of a sudden looked towards the windows and decided to let the curtains loose and cover the glass on the front of the library making the whole room a little dim at the same time, she used her magic and levitated to close the blinds of some of the nearby windows and turn the sign to 'close' meaning that the bookstore is now not accepting anyone else to serve them a little bit of privacy.

"So what brings all of you here, and on Paris of all the places?" Addie asked while she gestures all of them to follow her in her huge study room and they each took a seat as she offered some treats and some tea, treating them as her guests.

"Well, you're the closest book binding warlock in our location so we came here and see if you can track down the book of Quoriocious that Irinthyle owned before it was borrowed by someone, according to her." Magnus said while sipping a bit of his tea and Simon eating two of the biscuits that was layed out for them. Addie sat in a different seat but it was only across for them while she was giving Magnus' request a bit of a thought.

"The Book of Quoriocious is one of the many famous ancient warlock books that our generation and ancestors has passed unto us." Addie sadi while snapping her hands and all of a sudden, a book with old and dusty leather cover as well as a small sack of twilight dust was then levitated towards her and now she beckon these mateirals to be at her side as she then grabbed another book to show the rest of Magnus friends what this Book of Quoriocious looks like.

"As long as you have something that belonged to the book, I can easily track it down. However, if you ever you do not have even the tiniest of piece from the book- there is another way." She said already giving them the second option judging by the looks they all have when she mentioned that you need something from the book in order to track it down, to which Magnus forgot and mentally apologized to her by the way he looked and she just shrugged it off clearly stating that the 'young' warlock was definitely having a lot of duties and other stuff on his mind.

She then gave them the book and small sack that she was levitating from her side and she told them to go beyond the borders of their world and go into the Shadow Realm where a said to be mysterious young- VERY young, literally- warlock awaits them. Maybe she can help them with Clary's memory problem. They all thank the young warlock as she smiled at them and walked them out until they all reached the front door, to which she used her magic to open it for them, and bid them all goodbye and hugging magnus by the back and thanking him aoud for visiting her again. Magnus just gave her a smile and went with the other not without seeing how sour his husband's face was especially all a while back that he was glaring daggers at Addie who was hugging Magnus.

The sexy warlock couldn't help but chuckle a little while his husband gave him a questionable look. He just replied with a playful smirk and whispered out loud, not loud enough for their friends to hear but loud enough for Alec to hear, while he held his hand and they were now walking farther away from the bookstore.

"You're so cute when you get jealous." Magnus secretly whispered through Alec's ear while he looked away a little flushed and mutter a 'shut up' as they continue on, now finding a place to stay before going ahead on a journey to the so called 'Shadow Realm.'

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