Unity Day

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I wake up in the dropship. I shoot up and grab my stomach, it's bandaged and stitched up. My entire body is sore as fuck. I attempt to stand but fall to the ground, "Fuck!" I yell and Clarke runs in, "What the hell are you doing? You'll rip your stitches." She yells and I look to see Finn standing beside her. "How come he gets to be up and about and I can't?" I ask like a kid. "He's healed up better than you." Finn replies in third person. I sigh and lay back down. "Finn, go get Bellamy." She says and Finn walks out.

Moments later Bellamy runs in. He seems to be in a good mood. Clarke and Finn leave me and Bellamy alone. "Hey Princess." He says softly, placing a hand in my head. "Shoo! Yeah! Monty strikes again! Call this batch Unity Juice! Who's thirsty?" I hear jasper say outside. I pout and look at Bellamy. "I want some." I tell him and he looks at me disapprovingly. "Pleaseeee?" I beg him and he rolls his eyes, giving me his adorable grin. He walks out of the dropship and I smile. This is great.

Bellamy comes back in with a cup and I clap. "Thank you." I say as he passes the cup. Before I can grab it he takes a sip. "Hey, now you have to get more." I say. He laughs and gives me the cup. I drink it and holy shit that's strong. I try not to cough like a bitch but fail. I cough so hard and Bellamy laughs at me, taking my cup. "Holy shit that's strong." I tell Bellamy, he takes another sip and smiles, "It's not, you just can't handle it." He says as he sets the cup down. I sit up and try to get up once again. "Stacey.." Bellamy says and I hold my hand up, "I got it." I tell him. Sadly I don't got it and I fall into the metal floor. "UGH! I just wanna go to my tent." I say, aggravated. Bellamy picks me up bridal style and walks out of the dropship. My hero.

We're about to enter my tent when Clarke walks up to us, "Comms are still dead, they cut out during the pageant." Clarke says. I look up at Bellamy, "I wanna nap." I say resting my head on his chest. "Best Unity Day ever." He says sarcastically. "Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party? I mean, the grounder is still out there." "Grounders. By now, he's made it home. He's probably putting together a lynch mob. Relax, I got security covered." Bellamy tells her. I sigh and poke Bellamy's cheek. Damn he's got strength because he's been holding me this whole time. "Why don't you go get a drink? You look like you could use one." He offers her. "I could use more than one." "Then have more than one. Clarke, the exodus ship carrying your mother comes down here in two days. After that, the party's over. Have some fun while you still can. You deserve it." He tells her. "Yeah, okay. So do you by the way." "I'll have my fun when the grounders come." He laughs as Clarke walks away. Am I... am I jealous... no. That's not possible. Not with Bellamy. "You two are cute and all, but I wanna lay in my bed." I tell Bellamy and he walks into my tent, laying me down gently in my bed.

"I thought you were gonna die." He says sadly. "Alex... he's dead?" I ask Bellamy, remembering it all. "It wasn't whoever that is." "Oh.." I say disappointed. "Who is he?" Bellamy asks. I close my eyes. Do I wanna tell him? Oh well. "The guard... he um.. he raped me.. he held a gun to my head and choked the life out of me... he shot me three times. Whenever I wouldn't listen, he'd electrocute me with his shock baton. He beat me and made me do things..." I stop talking and cry my heart out. I finally catch my breath, "He's gonna be on the first dropship down here. I know it." I say as hit years fall from my face. Bellamy wipes them away and holds me. I look up at him and kiss his lips softly. He kisses back hard. The kiss deepens as he gets on top of me. I try to turn over to be on top but my stomach shoots pain. I wince and lay on my back. "Fuck." I say softly. Bellamy grabs my face and gives me a soft kiss, "Get some rest, Princess." He says as he gets off of the bed and walks out of the tent. Why the hell does Bellamy make me feel so safe? I close my eyes and dream a nightmare filled dream.

I'm woken up by Bellamy shaking my arm. "What?" I say in a groaning way. "I have to leave camp. Can you get up?" He asks and I shoot up. I place my legs on the ground and stand. I stumble back and fall into my bed, "Nope. Where are you going?" I ask him. "Finn set a meeting with the grounders. They needed an extra gun." He says smiling and takes off his jacket, "Here." He says passing it to me. I look at him confused. He just smiles and kisses my lips softly. He turns to leave but I grab his hand, "Don't die." I say to him. He nods and walks out of the tent.

It's been hours and Bellamy isn't back yet. I conjure all the strength I have to stand up. I put on Bellamy's jacket and slowly walk out of my tent. I walk up to the gate, "They aren't back yet?" I ask Miller and he shakes his head. I sigh and rest my back in the gate. I hope he's alive. My heart drops at the thought of him dying.

A few minutes later the gate opens and Finn, Clarke, Raven, Jasper, Bellamy, and Octavia walk in. I fast walk to the group and stand beside Bellamy. There's so much tension. "You got something to say?" Bellamy asks Finn. "Yeah I told you no guns." He says. "I told you we couldn't trust the grounders. I was right." Clarke says. "Why didn't you tell my what you were up to?" Raven asks Finn. Oh my gosh so much back and forth. "I tried but you were too busy making bullets for your gun." Finn replies. "You're lucky she brought that! They came there to kill you Finn." Bellamy says to Finn. My head hurts. "You don't know that, Jasper fired the first shot!" Finn yells. "You ruined everything." Octavia tells Jasper as she walks away. What the shit happened? "I saved you! You're welcome." Jasper says as he walks away. "Well is we weren't at war already, we sure as hell are now. You didn't have to trust the grounders, you just had to trust me." Finn says and he walks away. Everyone else leaves except for me, Bellamy, and Clarke. "Like I said, best unity day ever." Bellamy says sarcastically again.

Suddenly we hear an explosion in the sky. I look up and see the ship carrying my family. I smile to myself. "The Exodus Ship? Your dads early." Bellamy tells me nudging my arm, I laugh. I stop smiling, "Wait... too fast. No parachute? Somethings wrong." I say and right as I finish my sentence the ship crashes into Earth. I see fire and smoke rise. My heart sinks and I fall back. "NO!" I scream. Bellamy holds me in his arms. "DAD! MATT! NO!" I scream, making my throat hurt. Tears stream down my eyes as I look at the fire grow bigger.

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