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Log 3: Bridge...

Gavin Borne...

August 10, 2513

"The excavation of the Tyr Marker has begun, finally," Gavin began, idly staring out into space. The new First Mate, Jason James, was sitting at the control panel, holding the record audio button down.

Promoted just so that the Captain doesn't have to hold a button down anymore. This is ridiculous, Jason thought as he glared at the Captain, facing the other way. The former doctor had been removed from his position to join the others in the bridge, leaving his superior, Jacob Duncan, with just some understudy in the medical bay. No one complained when he arrived, and no one would complain when the real First Mate came back up from Jericho and replace Jason, least of all Jason himself. He didn't belong in the bridge, that was where people like Gavin Borne and Greg Payton thrived.

"Well, I should say, officially begun. Progress has increased, and now the miners are actually getting the Monolith out of the ground. According to the Head Mining Official's report, it should only take two weeks to get the Monolith out of the ground, two weeks ahead of schedule." Gavin sipped a small amount of coffee; with all others on the bridge glaring at the hypocrite while his back was turned. "I knew I made a smart decision, assigning my First Mate that position. He will be known as a saint among our ranks if he brings it up intact." Another sip. "That's all I have to report."

Jason lightly grimaced as he remembered the suicide report. How did the Captain forget something like that? "Sir, the suicide report..." he whispered, keeping the audio log on.

"Hmm?" Gavin turned around suddenly, causing all in the room to look away very suddenly. "Oh, yes. There were some suicides on site, three nobodies. They will be missed, and all that stuff." Another sip. "Their bodies are being autopsied."

Jason shrugged. At the very least, the captain was showing some remembrance of the three 'miners' dying, even if he was insulting their memory while doing so.

"Hmm. Well, the men's bodies are being examined by Doctor Duncan. Very competent man, from what I've heard. He'll surely show respect for our men's religion." Jacob rolled his eyes at this. Everyone knew that there were only a few Seven Heavens onboard, the Captain included. Even if one of them was Seven Heavens, it wouldn't matter. They'd still be going in the cryogenic tubes. It wasn't that big of a deal. It was only three people.


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