Chapter 19: Green-Eyed Monster

Start from the beginning

But I missed the old rascal though and I hoped that he was alright. I told the old man he didn't have one thing to worry about and I'm not even there to pull through on my promise.

I knew he would understand though, once he knew I had my girl I had to take care of now. I just wished the two most important people in my life could live in one place though, so I could take care of them both.

It didn't seem like a possibility anytime soon though.

As I made my way up the stairs, I stopped in my tracks before I hit the landing on the third floor. 

Everette's laughter filtered down the steps. Who the heck was she talking with is Charlotte and Penelope left her alone?

I took another step up and from the staircase, I could see straight into Ev's office. She was with that fucking bastard, Finneas, or whatever the hell he was named.

From my distance, I couldn't make out what she was talking about and I knew she didn't sense me because she didn't turn my way. 

However, I could see as clear as day the way she held his hand between her soft palms. 

Time was frozen solid as I looked at her animatedly talking about something with Finn who sat too damn close to her. 

The green-eyed monster reared its ugly ass head as I stood there and wondered why the hell she was sitting and chatting with Finn.

And the ache in my chest didn't make it any better.

My fists clenched at my sides as I looked at the wall and my healed up wrist. Should I? 

I could imagine Finn's face as the wall, may ease the anger.

But I didn't. The last thing I wanted was to look like some over controlling mate.

That's what we are. Mates.

And it's that thought that stops me from barging up the stairs and into her office.

That and the fact that I couldn't deny her a spare moment with her friend. Bastard or not, I knew they were close.

Spinning on my heels, I quietly turned away from them and made my way back down that stairs and out into the backyard.

June was out there watching over some little running around and playing tag. Her eyes found mine and she looked at me worriedly. 

Unsurprisingly, I've become good friends with her and Max. While Max was a clown at best though, June always gave me the best advice. She was the mother of our little group of friends.

"What are you pouting about now?" She asked knowingly as her eyes went to my hands and sighed with relief. 

I only punched the wall once but I could tell from her expression that she thought I did it again.

"The bastard," I grumbled as I sat down on one of the outdoor chairs.  


"Finneas," I clarified as she giggled.

"Care to tell me more?" She asked but didn't push.

But like a little child, I spilled my guts, "He's with my mate, laughing it up." 

"Stop pouting Callum." She threw a stuffed toy at my head, "I'm sure they're just hanging out. They were best friends at one point you know."

I glared at her, "That doesn't make it any better."

Her eyes looked thoughtful, "If you're that bothered by it then why aren't you with her?"

"Because..." I trailed off as I tilted my head towards the sky.

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