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I find it hard to explain why slut-shaming is offensive. 

It isn't that it is hard to explain rather - the concept that a person, particularly for the purpose of this pose, a woman, is allowed to do whatever consensual act, however many times she desires and that these acts are acceptable. 

Skin kissed under the glow of the moon paints notches in headboards and notches tell stories she only whispers in diaries. Behind closed doors, she is a goddess of her own destiny and for a brief two minutes, she finds herself lost in a world where dollar for dollar her vagina is worth the same as his dick.

Women are misrepresented and misunderstand and inaccurately explained and traded like commodities but as soon as she decides to have what some deem as too much sex, she is moved into a smaller box and further down below a glass ceiling of catcalls and shame. 

She can't create a perfect version of herself when someone has already made her paint by number. 

When she has to follow rules tattooed on her casing from birth in curly, pink font, wrapped in white, satin bows. She is only worth what she puts inside her and as a conquest, she is mounted on the wall and it is always hunting season. 

When she leaves the house she has to wear what they want, act how she has been told, take her mace, watch her drink, avoid the dark, avoid the loud, avoid the cab, don't drink too much. Damned if she does, damn if she doesn't.

So when I tell you not to slut-shame I mean, stop placing her in a box too small for her to grow.

I mean, let her wear what she wants and act how she wants and do what she wants because she is worth more than two goats. 

I mean, how little and meaningless is your life that you need the power to tell someone else how to live theirs.

WomanhoodNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ