Chapter I. How it all begins...

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               After a while, I took a look at my wristwatch and took in that it was almost the end of the class, so I began to pack up my stuff, waiting for the bell to finally ring. After a rough, strenuous week like this, all I wanted was to go home and relax a bit. Maybe later I could call (B/F/N), so we could hang out or something, unless he wasn't visiting his grandfather again.

               Finally, the bell ran, signaling the end of the classes for the day and I quickly took my jacket, hanging it over my shoulders, took my backpack and began heading towards the exit of the classroom, but a low voice stopped me, calling my name:

                - (L/N), do you have a second?

               I stopped in my tracks and turned towards the source, now facing my teacher, bitting the inside of my trembling lower lip.

               'Am I in trouble?'

               - Y-yes, I manage to say. Is there something wrong? I asked, nervously fixing the floor.

               - I was going to ask you the same question. (L/N), what's going on?

               I didn't know how to respond. I had no idea what to say, who to blame, but most importantly I was to affraid to point fingers at anyone, knowing what they would do to me when they would found out. I look at him.

               - I-it's nothing, mister Raynolds, I stuttered out, quickly averting my eyes from him.

               We both stay silent for a while, which seemed to me unbearably long, when he finally spoke again:

               - Are you sure about that?

               I nervously fiddle with the straps of my backpack. What good will it do if I tell mister Raynolds or anyone about what I'm going through? It only will cause my situation to get worse.

               - Yes, I spoke out briefly.

               He noticed I was constantly getting picked on. In fact, most of the school's personal noticed, but the school's policy was pretty lax according to bulling, so there was not much they could do to help me. So what's the point in spilling it out to him?

               - M-may I leave now? I-I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, b-but I'm quite in a hurry, I manage to say in a low voice, desperate to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

               - Alright, (Y/N). You're dismissed, said the teacher, seemingly giving up. Have a good evening.

               - Thank you, mister Raynolds. I wish you a nice evening too, I said, then I quickly made my way out of the school's domains.

               It was a late evening. I forgot to mention my classes were scheduled during evening time, so most of the time, a school day would end around 19-21 pm.

               I was walking down on a dark back-alley. The walk on the main boulevard would last like fourty minutes, so I chose to follow this shortcut I know instead.

               As I was walking, I noticed a group of boys following close behind me. They were like five or six and I was beginning to get scared. I picked up my pace a bit, trying to face forward and not turn my head anymore, but I kept hearing their footsteps getting closer and closer to me.

               I was really scared by this point. I had to suppress my urge to run. I put the hood over my head and walked a bit faster. Soon, I turned a corner and then I turned another, deviating from my route, so they can lose my track.

"You belong to me, sucker!" (Yandere OC x Reader) (EN)  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant