Random #1

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Seven young good looking men were currently living in a big house, also called a mansion. Four of them were already waiting at the kitchen then run towards the dining table as soon as thair mother prepared all the meals at the table.

"Okay Earthquake call your brothers." their mother ordered. Earthquake nodded as the little kid runs out from the kitchen fetching his brothers. "Wahhh! There's so many food!" Blaze the importunate little kid drops his jaw his dazzling scanning each of the meals their mothe prepared. "Ibu? Where is ayah? isn't he gonna join us dinner?" ask little thornie while holding a small potted plot.

"Oh sweetie don't say that, you're father is just busy. He'll come." their mother said positive. Thorn then smiles he then raises his little arms getting carried by his mom in her arms.


"Ice wake up! Its dinner time!" earthquake wakes the sleeping boy, but it was nothing the young ice man was still sleeping feeling good. "Need a hand?" Thunderstorm offered with his tone serious getting impatient since earthquake had been waking ice for 3 minutes until now. "Fine but don't kill him." earthquake remind.

*summons thunder blades*

Ice jolted up from his bed hearing Thunderstorm's terrifying blades clinging. "AHH! OK OK I'M AWAKE GEEZ!" ice growls then walks out lazily carrying a single pillow with him.

"Good Job." Solar commented then went ahead following ice then him and earthquake. Downstairs at the dining table after praying all the elemental siblings sits downs to their dedignated seats digging in not until Cyclone and Blaze started arguing disputing about who gets the one last piece of the friend chicken in front of them.

"It's mine!" Cyclone chided.

"I GOT IT FIRST!" Blaze protested angrily at Cyclone who is so irritated. Not until Thunderstorm purposely took the last fried chicken making the two grouch. Thunderstorm eats the chicken not bothering to care baout the two who frowns crossing their arms.

"Cyclone Blaze, finish your food." their mother ordered. "But ibu! I don't like stake!" Cyclone said then their mother's gaze transfers to Blaze. "I don't like Vegetables either." blaze pouted same as frowning.

"Then don't, Go and starve to death." Thunderstorm said directly to the two. "Thunderstorm that's not appropriate! Say sorry to your brothers." they're mother reprimanded. Blaze then sticks out his tongue laughing at Thunderstorm who is now frowning.

"Sorry ibu." Thunderstorm apologizes.


Solar and Thunderstorm ended up at the kitchen with Thunderstorm washing the dishes while Solar just wipes the table and plate arranging the table.

"This sucks!" solar chided then uses hisight speed to finish the remaining utensils he is doing on. Wuth Thunderstorm already finished at the dishes.


8:40 PM

"Ibu ibu! Tell us a story please!" thorn pleaded then their mom smiles at his sons request.

"Alright everybody settle down now." they're mom said then all of the seven went around their mom.

With Thunderstorm sitting in an indian position, Solar is just sitting, Thorn the little guy in front of their mother, Earthquake who is sitting properly, Blaze and Cyclone sitting in different positions and ice who si laying awake.


"And they lived happily ever after. The End." theur mom ended. With everyone still awake and active.

"Ibu? How can a single kiss revived a dead princess by a prince isn't there any scientific explanations about this?" Solar questioned. Cyclone, Earthquake and Blaze laughs at solar suddenly. Thunderstorm just grins at Solar's unexpected question.

"No my son, it's the true loves kiss who saved the Princess." their mom answered smiling at her son. "Okay?" solar responded unsatisfied at the story.

"Ibu ibu! Why would the the step mother of the princess wanted to kill her? Aren't they a family?" thorn ask the innocent child. "Well my son, Its like this. The Step Mother wanted to be Fairest of them all but the Princess was set to be the fairest due to jealousy and grudge the step mom poison the Princess using magic potions." their mother answered.

"Aww poor Princess." thorn pitied.

"Okay that's a wrap! Okay everyone go to your beds and sleep. Cyclone and Blaze you two better sleep you guys have a school tomorrow." Their mom said then kisses his children at the cheeks.

"Yes ibu." Cyclone and Blaze agreed in unison.

The 7 went to their respective beds. Using bunk beds Ice already fell asleep, thorn who recently closes his eyes, earthquake setting the night light before sleeping, Thunderstorm wrapping himself in a thick blanket, Cyclone and Blaze troubling sleeping, Solar already snoring in his bed.

"This suck!" Blaze said not feeling sleepy afterwards. Cyclone nodds.

To Be Continue🌀

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