2ST 3: Royal School (FaYi)

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After cleaning the mess the bitch princesses have done, ying and yaya manage to bake another cake required by miss mama zila in time.

With just few ingredients they still got it. Since ying is fast and quite resourceful, she cuts the cakes then took one slices per plate, the other princesses grabs their food walks to the princes they will give, ying scans the whole place while holding a cake. Until her eyes landed on fang who was facing 3 princesses including lin giving him sweets. Ying rolls her eyes then gave her carot cake to gopal.

Yaya was looking at the room, seeing every princess has a paired prince. Yaya looks at her cookies then thought of Boboiboy, she was about to approach boboiboy but then a bunch of princesses suddenly got in her way.

She back away a little and decided to approach another prince since boboiboy can't take her cookies anymore. It was no other than the prince earlier boboiboy had face. The Dark Prince, he saw the dark prince leaning in an isolated cornered wall, he was facing the cold floor with his arms crossed silently.

He moves a bit when he notices yaya gazing, smiling at him.

"I'm Princess Hana." yaya introduced herself, the prince scans her then gazes at her features.

"What do you want, princess." the dark prince said, cold and emotionless can be seen to his face. Yaya showed her cookies then beamed.

"Oh? I just wanna share my cookies perhaps? you want some?" she ask politely handing her cookies, the prince narrows his eyebrows averting his gaze towards her attractive cookies. The prince stoods up and took one cookie making yaya smile. The prince takd one bite, chewing the cookie.

"How is it?" yaya ask, she wanted this prince's feedbacks base on her cookies since mama zila said they need their feedbacks.

The dark prince tastes the terrible cookies in his mouth, his eyes widens then glances at yaya's innocent face wanting his feedback. It was terrible.

Urgh....is she gonna poison me with this!?

The dark prince thought after gulping the terrible cookies she baked, but still he doesn't wanted to hurt a harmless princess by telling the truth. He's is quite gentle but cold in the eyes of the Princesses.

"The cookies are fine." the dark prince lied, giving her a slight grin. Yaya beams up after receiving a good feedback from him. Yaya thanks him but before she goes

"Can you tell what is your name?" ask yaya, the dark prince stop his tracks then turns to yaya hearing her last words.



"You did that? Wow yaya I'm impressed." ying said, after asking yaya about the dark prince.

"I know but, why? why does everyone hates him that much ying?" ask yaya confuse why? Why would they hate him? Of course its obvious because hes a dark prince of lunar kingdom, but that's not the main reason at all.

"Well, Gopal said he's the bastard son of Queen Zaya, King Moonlight's wife of Lunar Kingdom. I don't know if any of this is true yaya but they said he is evil murdering innocent people but i think its just a rumor." ying said shrugging, yaya nodds after hearing such stories from the dark prince.

"You mean? he's not King Moonlight's first born?" ask yaya, ying nodds for an answer.

"Yes it is, Queen Zaya once had an affair, but not really an affair its ummm? her first love was actually the Evil Powerful King Fergus, mama told me about queen zaya since queen zaya is one of mama's classmates during their times. Mama said that the evil king fergus captured the poor queen zaya from her own kingdom since king fergus is obsess with her. Sooner or later Queen zaya develops such an unconditionally feelings for the evil king, stories soon spread in our realms with our people started fearing her for loving a monster, not until then queen zaya's parents called the help of King Aron, The Shadow King and King Moonlight. With his help they manage to defeat the powerful evil king. The queen felt sad and lonely after king fergus dies in the hands of two great kings, months pass and queen zaya marries king moonlight and giving birth to that dark prince, since king moonlight has a daughter too, princess diane, king moonlight still love and respect queen zaya's condition, king fergus and queen zaya's son who is also the biological father of prince darren." yaya understands now. She stops when their room's door swung open, revealing a man in his mid 40's with a smile plastered in his face while standing doing a weird dub pose.

"Good Morning Royals of justice! For i am your mathematics teacher!!! call me MR. PAPA ZOLA!!"


Time Skip, the royal school dismisses the whole royal students to have their lunch.

Boboiboy, Fang snd Gopal we're hanging at their own table talking about school stuffs. Not until a bunch of princesses came squeling yelling their names gopal gets annoyed and whispers silently to the two prince beside him.

"This Fangirls won't stop drooling over you guys. Eeesssh its too annoying they're everywhere." gopal whispered getting stress, boboiboy nods in agreement for gopal's words are true boboiboy also cant stand the girls anymore.

As for fang he didn't even bothered to care he was too ambitious of being popular even wanted to be more popular than boboiboy and his brother kaizo, so desperate in popularity.

"This mushroom prince doesn't even care for his annoying fangirls---GOPAL! FANG! BOBOIBOY!" the three prince hears their name stooding in their places when they saw a pink hijab princess sprinting towards them while holding 3 colored scrolls in her hands. Boboiboy suddenly felt a tint of happiness through him when he saw her now in front of them looking stunning and gorgeous in the eye if the prince's.

"Yes Yaya?" gopal ask.

"I've been looking all over for you guys, just to tell you three a news the head teacher tarung and all royal councilors decided to throw a ball party here held to our school for celebrating the new students and start of the nee school year here in Magicland Academia High." yaya said handing them three scrolls. The three boys took unrolling it.

"A masquerade ball party?" - Boboiboy

"With a princess Partner!!" - Gopal

"Tomorrow Night." - Fang

"Yes, so you princes must be ready tomorrow night also you guys have to find a date." yaya said happily.

"A date?" the three prince ask together, confuse at yaya's in sudden question for them.

"Hmm Okay then thanks princess hana." fang thanks bowing politely to her then winks at yaya. That made yaya blush in red uncomfortably at her place, boboiboy in the other was furious in the inside trying to control his fire powers from urging to come out anytime.

Tch I'll get you later you alien prince! she's mine!

The Boboiboy Blaze thought, calming himself slowly.

Yaya bows royalty the same as gopal and boboiboy too. The Gravitasian Princess left walking away back from where she came from, when the princess left.

Fang felt a hot temperature because of sweats starts to dripp from his head. He turn to see boboiboy's cap, clothes and appearances change. His cap was no longer orange nor his clothes fang gulps to see boboiboy blaze in distress while fire lurks into his surroundings same as both his hands and red blazing eyes glaring at him angrily.

"How dare you fang! you knew that she's my long long secret crush! ARE YOU MY TRUE FRIEND!" boboiboy said as fire spreading behind him after yelling the last word he said. Gopal looks at the angry boboiboy cowardly while fang crosses his arms for boboiboy's temper is hot.

"Relax redhead, yeah i know she's your long time, childhood or whatever crush. But i don't like her okay! i don't like anybody! My heart only loves nobody except for my favorite dish and popularity. Tssk just calm down its just a joke to what i did to her was nothing." boboiboy blaze glares and stares at fang's red eyes, eye contact him if his telling the truth.

Fang was dead serious also on what he just said.

"Relax Boboiboy..." gopal said massaging his back attempting to calm the fire element down.

"But still i got my eye on you fang."

~ Boboiboy⚡

To be continued

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