ST 2: Running Away (BoYa)

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8:00 AM

I sat from my bed yawning slowly opening my eyes only to see the bright sun shining outside by my window. Oh foolish me i forgot to close the window nevermind.

I stand up and took my bag going downstairs to saw a woman and some contraction guys behind her since the boys are wearing a yellow protective helmet with some blueprints in their hands.

Looking at me. Oh my! My hijab!

"Who are you? What are you doing here? This is a restricted area people are prohibited to enter here!" the woman said glaring at me. I just nodds then look at her.

"I'm sorry, i will go now." i said then walks outside while their gazes follows me.

After leaving my house, i thought of going to ying's house but somehow i stop because of what i look. My hijab!? I started panicking when i forgot about my hijab thats when i thought i left it back at my room, i was about to walk back inside when i remembered the woman's words repeatedly in my head.

Its prohibited to go inside.

I sigh then  wore my pink cap and left my house. I also figured it out that my old home is going to be demolish since mom and dad sold the house to someone.

I sigh as flew up glancing at my old home being demolish by some men wrecking the walls and gates, also some bulldozers and wrecking balls smashing the walls breaking everything in it.

I just flew away and thought of going to tok aba's kokotiam.

He must be still there. After getting their i saw the park and the kokotiam also, i saw Papa zola and Mr Kumar along with Tok aba talking to each other.

I smile as i land safely to the ground and greet them.

"Atok Aba! Papa Zola! Mr Kumar!" i greeted them all with a smile on my face. I'm so happy I'm meeting them again after all this years.

"Yaya?! your back!" ~ Mr Kumar

"Huhuhuhu....Yaya one of the Justice disciple is back...!" ~ Papa Zola

"Welcome home yaya, come come have a sit with us." ~ Tok Aba.

I walk to them and saw tok aba giving me a free hot chocolate, i miss this drink now that I'm back i can onec again taste tok aba' special chocolate its the best drink.

"Thank you Tok aba, its sitll the best." i said complimenting nicely as i the taste of the chocolate so sweet and chocolatey after gulping it.

"Yaya you've grown tall and pretty, Hows your mother and father goin?" ask Mr Kumar, i stop for thay question since they don't know i run away.

"T-theyre fine Mr Kumar." i said stuttering for an answer. He nodds then sips his hot cocoa.

"Actually i--"

"Yaya?" behind me i saw Aunty Yang shock and happy to see me, i smiled and also greet aunty yang with a smile. She hugs me then sits down beside me.

"I miss you, also Wawa? Where is she?" she ask, again that question i sweats don't know what to do, I'm sorry aunty yang if I'll lie to you, all of you.

"My mom is okay aunty yang, also its only me I'm on a vacation here at rintis island." i smiled fakely showing them my bright side, I'm really sorry.

"Oh? Where do you live then? I saw your old house being demolish just now when i passed by going to tok aba's kokotiam." aunty yang said, i look away then goes to my hot cocoa.

"Maybe I'll just rent an apartment aunty." i said, they all nodds then start asking me some more questions. Just then the small TV of tok aba volumes up and shows a news about a bank being Robb by bad guys.

"Ayuyuyu.. another robbery. Maybe this time the police will manage to  handle them now i think." Mr Kumar said disappointed while watching the news.

Eh? Another? But where are boboiboy  and the others?

"Tok Aba? Where they? Boboiboy and the others i don't see them here? Mostly Gopal here at your kokotiam?" i ask confused also looking for their presence.

"Oh dear you don't know?" aunty yang ask me.

"What do i don't know aunty?" i ask back.

"Gopal, Ying and Boboiboy join Tapops 4 years ago along with Fang when you left Rintis Island." Answered Mr Kumar, while papa zola and the others nodds.

I again looked away thinking if them, They joined Tapops i see.

"I'll be right back." i said and left flying away towards the city to stop the robbers. If boboiboy and the others are not here maybe I'll stop them myself.

No POv

Pulao Rintis City

Yaya lands and saw the city bank being surrounded by the police outside waiting for the robbers to come also some reporters and people gathering in a corner.

"Surrender now! We've got you all cornered!"

One of the police said using a megaphone. Just then 5 robbers with 5 hostages with them pointing their guns at the hostages shivering and scared of the robbers.

Yaya frowns angrily as she sees the hostages crying for help and pleading for mercy.

"HHahahahHa! One step and will kill one of this hostages!" one of the robbers said threatening the police officers.

"Please dont, i have a family spare me." the man said begging for mercy, yaua couldn't take it anymore so she uses her powers to stop them.

Yaya uses her power as her hands glowing in bright pink.

"Gravitational Lift!" yaya yelled then pink bubbles started lifting the robbers letting go of the poor hostage at free, they runs back as the robbers shivers in fear.

Yaya lifs the robbers high, while robbers begged to stop fearing of heights. The police officers were shock to see one of Boboiboy's members are here to help although they knew boboiboy was in space busy with the other members.

"This is what you get for stealing the city banks and abusing people for your selfishness! Hiyaj!!" Yaya shouts making her pink bubbles disappears as the robbers screams in fears as they were falling towards the hard cement the police officers brace their selves as they saw the robbers falling down near getting really near at the ground.

Yaya summons her pink bubbles catching the robbers who are now shock and shivering of heights

The Police officers approaches the robberies and arrests them.

Just then the officers thanks yaya for her help, yaya just smiled then suddenly many reporters run towards her for a countless interviews and questions.

"Miss Yaya! over here please!"

"Why did you dissappear when boboiboy joined Tapops?"

"Are you planning to join Tapops as well?"

"Miss Yaya! How come you're in earth while boboiboy and others are in space?"

"Miss Yaya! are you gonna protect the city? While boboiboy and others are gone?"

The police blocks the way of compulsive reporters as yaya sweats because of the questions she can't answer at once just then one officer ssid she can leave, yaya nodds then flies away leaving the reporters question unanswered.

Yaya flies away going back at the Kokotiam. With a smile on her face she felt happy and grateful for helping  people at the city.

"I miss this."

~ Yaya🌸

To be continued

Just For Fun [CLOSED BOOK] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt