Chapter 3 : The Betrayal

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3 Months later...

Bloom's P.O.V

Its been three months since we freed Sparks. The winx and I also have gained new power called Believix. The more people believe in us, the stronger we get.

However, even though I'm with my birth family, I... Don't feel... Happy...

My parents would always spend their time with me the first month I'm here, but slowly, they begin to distance themselves from me. They're always busy with royal duties, which I understand, they're the king and queen after all, but even in their free time, they'll just do some paperwork or went away to another kingdom.

There are minimal interaction between us, even at the dining table they won't talk much. Other than their works, but not me...

Lately, I noticed my parents begin to compare me to my friends... How they "act" better, they're much more "polite" and how they're much "better" daughters than me. There is also one time my father slapped me hard when I tried to be clingy to him.

"Stop being so childish Bloom, you are the princess of Sparks. Act better than this," He said while giving me a disgust look and left me on the floor. I remember myself running to my room, crying myself to sleep. Mike... He wouldn't say such words to me... I just want to be close with my real dad, but I guess it's irritating for him...

For my mother, she's always there. Not to comfort me, but rather just watch as my father kept scolding and shouting at me for a petty mistakes.

She never do anything... She just watch with a blank and cold face. Not even trying to help me... Let alone comfort me.. This cause my mental health to decrease overtime. The happy go lucky Bloom is long gone... Instead, a quiet and gloomy person took over.

Most of my time, I would spent it in the library, researching about the voice I had heard before. Sometimes, I would just go there for comfort, not like any of my family members noticed.. Even Daphne distance herself from me. I can feel her protection aura slowly fading away from my body. Heh... Even my big sister, whom I love the most ignoring me...

Present time

Currently, I'm sitting on the balcony of my room with Kiko on my lap. I stare at the sunset, it was beautiful, but it just a reminder for me that tomorrow is another day of more comparison, scoldings and pressure from my 'family'. I look down at the grass, flowers and bushes and spoke up.

"Hey Kiko," I saw him look up at me. "Do you think they would miss me if I'm gone?" I said as I felt tears gathering up in my eyes. Kiko made a distressed noice and jumped up on my shoulder, hugging my face.

I have a feeling he's telling me, he'll be the one who will miss me if I'm gone. Sometimes, I think my bunny can understand me better than any of my family members can.

I pet Kiko's head and give him a bittersweet smile. "Hm.. I'm okay Kiko, don't worry," he let go of my face looking a little happy.


"*Knock* *Knock* Your highness? May I enter?" Someone said on the other side of my bedroom door.

I answered her not too long after, "You may," loud and clear. I saw a royal maid enter and bow to me as a sign of respect. I still find it awkward, but I will get over it eventually. "You may rise," she did and instantly tell me what she came here for.

"Princess Bloom, your parents had request your presence at the throne room in 10 minutes, sharp," she said as she looked nervous. 10 minutes? That's not enough! Just to get down from here is already 6 minutes! "Very well, you may leave," I said to her and instantly went to my vanity to make myself look more..

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