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Part 2/2

Y/n looked at Eric with worry scratched all over her face. Cam wanted them to be happy right..? Surely he won't be mad.

Cameron is Y/N's brother but that's what made her worry; that her brother wouldn't accept them.

Eric walked in. "We're home you high fucks!" He smiled.

The engaged couple heard a mixture of hi's hey's and hello's.

"I'll go put the bags upstairs." Y/n mumbled and leaned up a bit to kiss Eric's cheek before grabbing his bag and hers, disappearing up the stairs.

Eric sighed. "What's wrong, man?" Cam asked, staring at his phone.
"Um... n-nothing... But I- I gotta tell you something.." he said sitting down.

Cam turned his phone off and put it in his lap. "What's up?" He asked, readjusting his hat.

Matt, Mason and Jay looked up and at each other then to Cam and Eric.
"Ok- so.. Jay, Craig and Sami helped me with this.. but... I- proposed to Y/n.." Eric said hesitantly, flinching.

Cam sighed and put his face in his hands. "Congrats man... but.. t-treat- treat her right please..?" Cam said softly, glancing at the three boys across from them.

Eric gave a small smile and nodded.

Mason, Jay and Matt congratulated Eric with full on happiness.
Eric felt bad for Cam. He wanted to be a better brother to his sister but he really couldn't at this point; all he had to do was be there for his best friend and sister.

Eric ran up the stairs and into his room.
He sneaked up on Y/n and lifted her up off the ground, making a small screech come from her.

Eric placed her down laughing. Y/n playfully hit his chest. He took the opportunity and pulled her close to his body. "How'd he take it?" Y/n asked. Eric gave a smile. "He's okay with it... it will take some time for him to get used to this." He said softly.

Y/n smiled and leaned up to kiss him. Eric quickly kissed back, sitting on the bed. Y/n straddled his lap, her hands going to his hair. Eric pulled away from the kiss. "We should wait.." Eric whispered. Y/n nodded. "Let's go to sleep.. it's like three AM." She added.

Eric agreed and they got dressed quickly and snuggled up under the covers.

Should I- make an extra part where it's y/n and Eric's wedding or sum shit? Or would you guys not want that, think it's useless and won't read it?

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