Rage, You Heccin' Nerd

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lol sorry this is sooooo late

also: starting from now, I might be adding my own scenes/actions (very small ones, they won't impact the story) in order to make transitions smoother. for example, if a character is talking and it cuts to the next scene, i might say that they walked there or something. hope it doesn't bother anyone that i did that, or that i'm writing in all lowercase (heheh)

also also: I didn't realize it actually took THAT long to write these; I knew it took long, but turns out, just 3 minutes in the episodes can take 20 to write with all the pausing I have to do/actions I add, rip xD

I almost died but I forced myself to finish xDD

anyways, you may proceed :3

EDIT: https://ibb.co/fQkB73C

oKAY PEEPS 112 heckign notifcations thank you xD


"He threw it over 700 meters!" Kaminari exclaimed.

Uraraka jumped into the air with her arms up, grinning widely. "Nice! He's finally showing us his true power!"

"Though his finger appears to be broken now..." Iida's eyes narrowed slightly as he placed his fingers on his chin. "Just like in the exam... His quirk is very odd."

"You know, I'm now realizing that we say stuff like this a lot," Ojiro mentioned.

"Yea, u rite," Kaminari nodded.

Jiro groaned. "Please."

"It wasn't a very pretty throw," Aoyama said, hands on his hips.

Bakugou had a bewildered expression on his face. His eyes and mouth were wide, sweat running down his face. There were even cliche anime shadows showing his surprise. What was that?!

Bakugou was isolated in the picture, a rapidly moving red background replacing the scenery around him. If he had a quirk, he would've gotten it when we were kids! This is impossible! The screen zoomed into his still surprised face. He's up to something...

"I actually feel kinda bad for Bakugou," Uraraka sighed. "He knew Deku for all these years and felt like he lied to him." She paused for a moment before adding, "I don't agree with all the violence, though."

"Yes, I agree. It was unfortunate that Bakugou felt that way. His actions were unnecessary, but your point makes sense," Iida nodded.

Midoriya smiled sheepishly, coughing while Bakugou glanced away.

*"Someone I look up to," Midoriya's voice echoed in Bakugou's mind, "Told me what I have what it takes to be a hero! That's why I'm going to U.A.!

"Yeah, stand up for yourself!" Mina exclaimed.

Bakugou narrowed his eyes, hand twitching. I'm getting to the bottom of this. He curled his fingers, lighting explosions in his palms before bolting towards Midoriya.

"Hey!" he shouted, kicking up dust behind him.

Midoriya glanced up, face turning into a terrified one as Bakugou neared him.

Bakugou reached his hand out towards Midoriya, lighting more explosions in his hand. "DEKU TELL ME HOW YOU DID THAT OR YOU'RE DEAD!"

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