Ch2 - Anticipation

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Third person POV

"Bro!!" Denki Kaminari, Kiri's best Bro, exclaims as he runs up behind him, jumping on the red head's back.

"Denki! Bro you're gonna gimme a heart attack!" Kiri laughed.
He had been walking to the dorms after school that next day, when his squad caught up to him.

Hanta Sero was walking beside Bakugou, laughing about something Kiri didn't even bother to pay attention to.
He was in kind of a mood.. still thinking about yesterday, when he was given the plan.

Denki and Mina both walked beside him now.
"Why didn't ya wait for us? You were walking alone." Mina Ashido, their bubblegum pink bestie said.
Her raccoon eyes glanced back to Hanta and Kat, "what?? What'd you say Kat?" She laughed, something in their conversation caught her ear.

"Nothing pink face!!" Kat hissed.
Hanta laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.
"It was nothin Mina chill-"

Little did the three know, Hanta and Kat we're close enough friends to tell each other who they like.
But nothing gets past Mina.

"I heard you but ima let it slide~" she smirked, turning to Kiri as they walked.
"What's wrong baby? Mama Mina doesn't like when the kiddos are sad."

"Heh, I'm fine Mina." Kiri smiled.
"Well alright then," she sighed, "who're you askin to hoco?"
"No one." Kiri laughed, shaking his head,"no one wants to go with me anyways."

"Not true!!! I can name one person that wants to go with you!" Mina stated, "hes gay, always angry, name starts with a k and ends with an i and his name is KATSUKI-" "SHUT UP PINKY IM NOT ALWAYS ANGRY-"

Denki and Hanta laughed as Kiri blushed a tad.
"HAHA HE WON'T DENY IT-" Denki wheezed.

"Shut it, I'm not even fucking gay you assholes!" Kat hissed.
Kiri looked down, although he already knew, there was that teeny bit of hope he'd feel the same way or something.
He should've known, the cutest ones are never the ones you can have.

"Oh really?? Don't make me expose you." Hanta teased.
"Wow fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you." Kat said, pointing to Hanta, then Mina, then Denki.
"Hey I didn't do anything to you!" Denki hissed, hands on his hips.
"Shut up." Kat ignored him, walking into the dorm building.

"You guys down for video games??" Denki smiles to the squad.
"You know it!" Hanta and Mina said.

"I'm not really feelin it today, guys.. I think I'm just gonna nap." Kiri sighed.

Kat has noticed since that one day, Kiri has barely been getting sleep.
He's been falling asleep in class.
Been more on guard, as if he were waiting for something.
He never knew you could physically see stress and anxiety.

"Yeah same." Kat huffed.
And with that, the three left to go play video games.
Just as Kiri was about to shut the door to his dorm, Kat pushed the door.
"Bakugou, whatcha doin?" Kiri raises a brow questioningly.

Kat walked past him, shut the door, then turned to the red head.
"What's up? What's been with you all day? You're not even sleeping anymore, even this whole past week has been different." Kat asked.

Kiri sighed, looking elsewhere as he scratched the back of his head.
"It's nothin bro. I'm just tired, worried about my dog. Heh."

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