Ch1 - studying

899 38 73



Baku's (past) POV

He's a sweetheart.
Not that I liked him or anything, he's just the nice one of our class I guess.
Caring, selfless, sweet, helpful, soft.

We all loved him...

"Hey Bakubro! Can we tutor later, I'm dreading this algebra test." Kiri came up to me, one day in class.
"I guess, red." I shrug.

All through my youth, I've been a seemingly mean, angry person.

Skipping to back in my dorm,.. Once again I'm whacking him over the head for being stupid and not getting the problem right after I've went over it twice now.

"Sorry man! This is hard!" He growls, rubbing his head, huffing down at the worksheet.
I roll my eyes, "Well maybe if you'd pay more attention in class you'd understand the shit, but no you're too busy sending memes to sticky elbows and pikachu during the lesson. Dumb fuck."

"Yeah yeah, I know man. I think I got it now, you put this.. Here, right?" The red head erases a part of the problem, replacing it with different answers.
"Good job. That's better, shitty hair. See I know you can do the shit, you just don't try sometimes." I nodded, leaning back against the wall.

"Heh, thanks man. I really do try, most the t-" Ei smiles, then his phone buzzes in his pocket.

He had been expecting a message.

"One sec, sorry, this is important." He says, pulling his phone from his pocket.
I shrug, letting him answer it.

I casually glance over to him, his smile drops only after a moment.
I see him quickly type something, then stare down at his phone.
After another moment, his eyes widen looking up at me.

As if he were scared, and upset.

We maintain eye contact without fully realizing it, then turned away.
"Is.. everything okay?" I ask questionably.

He quickly nods, "yeah..! F'course, let's uh,, finish the homework." He says.
"I guess. You just seemed really tense for a minute." I say.
"Yeah.. my uh, dog, isn't doing too good. That was my mum, we.. might have to put him down."Ei says.

What I didn't know, is that he wasn't talking about putting a dog down.
He didn't even have a dog at the time down.

"Oh.. I'm sorry, Kirishima. Hope your dog is okay." I say.
"It's okay, thanks. I just knew him for quite a while, I'm scared."

I sigh and hesitantly hug him, "it'll be okay.. he's probably in pain, it's the right thing to do."
He wraps his arms tightly around me, and I felt his shoulders shake lightly.

"Y-you don't understand.. I love him so much, I don't wanna kill him." He whimpers into my shoulder.
"I know, red. It's hard, I had to put my dog down when I was ten, it hurts." I pat his back.

"You don't get it.." he quietly repeats a few times, before getting himself together and pulling away.
"I-I gotta go.. thanks for the tutoring, later." Ei quickly shoves his books off of him to get off my bed, gathering his stuff and shuffling out of my room.

Leaving me confused.
"He's really upset about his dog." I shrug, closing my books.


Kiri (past) POV


It just had to be him...

After leaving his room, I quickly ran to my room, slam the door shut, throw my shit on the bed and lean over my desk to groan.

I felt sick to my stomach.
I felt as if I was going to throw up, my stomach queasy with fear.

There was no damn dog.
The dog is Bakugou.

I love him so damn much..
but I have to put him down.
My assignment.

See, I'm not your average hero in training.
I'm not a hero at all.

I work for the league of villains.. I've been raised- horribly- and I was sent here undercover to gather information for the league.
They're planning something big..
And what happens will be all my fault.

That message I got while with Bakugou was telling me the plan.
And fuck I didn't like it.
Not one bit.

I never wanted to be doing any of this, it's simply not my choice.
It's life or death I suppose.

My father is the heartless fuck that works alongside all for one.
I was an accident with one of his victims, but saw potential in me, so kept and raised me.
I knew what they did was wrong, and I wanted nothing more than to be normal, a hero with a good life, with good friends and a loving family.
But I'll never have that.

Attending ua has probably been the happiest I've ever been in my whole life.
Although it was all fake, it still felt so nice to have friends and even a crush.

Too bad I have to kill him.

I wanted to maybe ask him to dance at homecoming, the dance that's coming up soon for us.
Another week.

I didn't know at the time, but god I shouldn't have been so excited for that damn homecoming.
I thought it'd be so fun.
But no, nothing is truly fun and happy for me.

Not in a million years..


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter,, short, I know, but it's only the beginning >:)

Word count: 890

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