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He licked his dry lips, eyes glued to the stage. The voices around him lowered to a painful silence. His vision blurred with the water that pooled in his eyes for not blinking once. It was when he stumbled upon his own feet that he came out of his stance. What he had seen might not even be a reality. His mind must have made it up since he was too engrossed into thinking that something was wrong with Jenna.

He tried convincing himself but nothing persuade him to believe that he had not just seen his fiancée fall from a hight that one can hardly survive!

The guests were still standing on their feet, praising the mind-blowing performance and enjoying the display of fire.

"Jenna," James whispered.

"Jenna," he said it again, this time his voice raised a notch

"Jenna!" he almost yelled before striving off for the stage. There was no time to think, no time to stand and decide if there was a possibility that he must have daydreamt.

Just as he reached the stage, the fire died down. In a split of a second, he was on the massive stage, wandering his eyes to every dancer that now prepared themselves for another show. The laughter and cheers died down. He could feel a thousand eyes on him, especially that of his father, burning hole in his back with the intensity with which he watched bim. What he did tonight was totally out of limits, he knew it well yet he cared less. He cared less that the paparazzi were now circling the stage, taking shots from every possible angle. He cared less that this was going to be the top news in tomorrow's magazine and that it will take over the internet by fire. All that he cared about was his fiancée to be in his arms, to hug her tight and tell her how terrified he was.

"Jenna!" he called out, his voice booming in the auditorium.

"Sir, what's the matter?" a few officers came running on the stage, panicked and breathless.

"Where is Jenna Berry?" He hissed but before they could make out an answer, he yelled at the top of his lungs, frustration getting the best out of him, "I ASKED WHERE THE HELL IS JENNA?"

The officers flinched but managed to give him a reply, " Sir she is backstage, changing costume," one of them replied.

"Call here out right now," he hissed again but this time his tone was more of a challenging one.

A chuckle escaped his lips upon rendering the officers speechless. He knew she was backstage but not changing her costume! His jaws clenched and fingers rolled in a tight fist. With a murderous glance, he scanned around, his eyes landing on his father. Mr Willams looked as if it was hard for him to comprehend what was going on. In his eyes, all he could see was the disgrace and dirt his name will have from this night onwards. He was beyond furious but still, the intense glare with which he bore holes in his son's body was nothing compared to the bloodshot glare James returned.

Within a matter of second, Williams and Derby were both on stage and standing next to James.

"What is the meaning of all this?" He hissed, his tone laced with something close to prepar-for-your-funeral.

"I saw her fall," James let out, a tear slipping down his cheek. All the anger he felt just a moment ago was replaced with pain and fear.

Mr William was speechless. He had no clue of what his son was talking of. "What?" he asked

"Jenna. I...I saw her fall from the balcony, "He stated plainly, containing the pool of water in his eyes.

Mr William's face scrunched up as he told him that it must have been his imagination. " You are delusional," he had said. The words ignited a fire in him.

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