"I guess that means everyone here is the same." 

"Everyone? You met the others already?" Kaede asked frantically to Rantaro. 

"Yeah, they all said they don't remember. Almost like group amnesia..."

"Ah...That's not normal though. If everyone here has amnesia-" Shuichi gets cutoff. 

"Welp, I guess we're all in a pretty abnormal situation then," Rantaro says with a dark look on his face. 

"Wait amnesia is a stretch, we'll all are probably just confused. We'll remember eventually." Kaede says with slight panic in her voice. 

"In any case... I hope we remember soon. Otherwise, I'll end up the outcast." Rantaro admits

"The outcast? Why?" You asked. 

"Truth be told, how I got here isn't the only thing I don't remember. I also forgot...my own talent." Rantaro lets out with a sigh. 

"You're wrong." You say, "You won't be an outcast, because I don't remember mine either." 

For a split second- a look of suspicion crosses Rantaro's face, only to disappear. "Well...guess I won't be alone then-anyway, I haven't introduced myself yet have I? I'm Rantaro Amami, I don't know my Ultimate talent, but I am a good guy I swear." 

You could almost imagine the freaking character screen popping up. 

"Oh yeah, I'm (Y/N) and I don't remember my talent either" You tried to say with a confident grin. Weird, why don't I remember any introduction scenes-Like did the protagonists ever say their names to the characters? I genuinely don't remember and now I wish I did. Oh wait, the Monopads probably have their names and talents already in the real-life version. I should check that later. 

After that your group and Rantaro bid farewell. And there you were off to meet the Wonderful Wizard of Oz-oh wait wrong...alternate universe, you were actually off to meet another wonderful cast member of the Danganronpa Universe. 

You and your crew went back to the classrooms you guys had woken up in, inside one of those was the dynamic duo.

"Heyyy! Wait for me!" 

"Please stop! Don't come any closer!" 

You turn your head towards the voices only to be greeted by the sight of Keebo running away from Kokichi. 

Huh, you know. I guess that's one thing about being in this world, I can actually see how people move...they aren't just standing around like sprites anymore. 

"Let me touch your body a little! I've always wanted to be friends with a robot!" Kokichi shouts

"Huh? A robot?" Kaede claims with surprise.

"No shit sherlock, he doesn't look like an actual human to you does he?" I say sarcastically without thinking. Oh...wait I said that out loud-curse me and my bad habits! 

"Hey! Are you another robophobe?" Keebo asks me accusingly.

"N-no, I just like making sarcastic replies-sorry Kaede." You say quickly, trying not to be made into the bad guy here. You spare a glance towards the Ultimate Supreme leader, only to see him with a large smirk. 

"It's okay," Kaede says to me, "But you, are you for reals a robot?" 

"A-are you one of the Monokubs-" Shuichi starts.

"Don't compare me to those toys! I am not just any old robot!" Keebo cuts him off. "I am K1-BO , the Ultimate Robot. But please address me as Keebo!" 

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