Chapter 6: A Problem with the Maiden?

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Loki walked to the throne room, wondering what his father could've called him for.

(A/N Loki's outfit.)

He entered to see Odin looking over all of Asgard

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He entered to see Odin looking over all of Asgard. Loki came up beside him and looked over Asgard as well.

(A/N Odin's outfit.)

"Did you enjoy the first ball?" Odin asked

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"Did you enjoy the first ball?" Odin asked.

Loki smiled a little and answered, "I did. I honestly did not think I would."

"I see. And was it all because of the young maiden that you danced with the entire night?" Odin wondered.

Loki looked at him to see a suspicious look on his father's face.

"Maybe," Loki said.

"The look on your face made it clear. And I suspect you ran into her before?" Odin guessed.

"I did," Loki nodded.

"Is she royal?" Odin asked.

Loki sighed and told him, "I don't know. But whether she is or not, that does not matter to me."

"But it will matter to the kingdom. You need to help expand our alliances with other realms," Odin remarked.

"Father, you had these grand balls prepared and invited all eligible women here, whether they were royal or commoners. That is what does not make sense to me," Loki pointed out.

"That was because we needed to make sure that we are at peace with all realms. The maidens may meet other men at the balls," Odin stated, placed his hand on his youngest son's shoulder, then finished, "But if this maiden you have grown so fond of is royal, I will give you both my blessing. If not, you must say goodbye to her."

Odin then left Loki, who was feeling more frustrated than the last talk he and his father had about finding someone for him. He roughly placed his hands on the balcony and let his head hang.

"You had a great time last night. What happened?" Thor lightly joked.

(A/N Thor's outfit.)

Loki looked up to see Thor giving him a cheeky grin

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Loki looked up to see Thor giving him a cheeky grin. He just turned back to the view.

"Thor, I do not want to hear your teasing now," Loki groaned.

"Will you be able to listen later?" Thor smirked as he approached his brother then asked seriously, "Is Father still onto you about finding a royal wife?"

"Yes," Loki nodded.

"Even if the fair maiden you danced with possibly is not?" Thor continued.

"Yes," Loki answered again.

"Well, I can see that she makes you happy. Happier than I have ever seen you. If only Father could see that," Thor told him, resting his hands on the balcony.

"Yes. This beautiful maiden has just made me forget how envious I was of you taking the throne. She may not even know of all the horrible things I've done, which may make her despise me," Loki explained sadly.

"No, brother. If you tell her that was the old you and how much you have changed since then, she will be more fond of you than she already is," Thor assured, putting a hand on Loki's shoulder.

Loki looked at Thor and smiled.

"Thank you, brother. I'm glad to know you agree with me," Loki thanked.

"You're welcome. I hope she comes back tonight," Thor told him then left.

Loki looked back over Asgard and whispered, "I do as well."


A/N Oh man. This is getting crazy.

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